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Full text of "Biddle University General Catalogue [1903-1904]"

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Catalogue  and  §  General  Catalogue 



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Charlotte,  North  Carolina. 




Observer  Printing  House, 


Class  whose  term  will  expire  June  ist,  1904. 

Rev.  D.  S.  Baker,  Lincolnton,  N.  C. 

Rev.  J.  P.  E.  KumeEr,  D.  D.,  Meadville,  Pa. 

Mr.  Robert  S.  Davis,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Mr.  Jas.  M.  Ham,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Proe.  J.  S.  Marquis,  Chester  S.  C. 

Class  whose  term  will  expire  June  ist,  1905. 

Rev.  G.  C.  Campbeee,  Burkeville,  Va. 

Rev.  R.  P.  Wyche,  D.  D.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Rev.  W.  R.  CoeES,  D.  D.,  Aiken,  S.  C. 

L.  P.  Berry,  Esq.,  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Rev.  S.  F.  Wentz,  D.  D.,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

Class  whose  term  will  expire  June  ist,  1906. 

Hon.  Geo.  H.  White,  LE.  D.,  Washington,  D.  C. 
*Rev.  E.  M.  Martin,  Richmond,  Va. 

Rev.  D.  M.  Skieeing,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 


Rev.  R.  P.  Wyche,  D.  D.,  President. 
D.  J.  Sanders,  Acting  Treasurer. 

Rev.  S.  E.  Wentz,  Secretary. 


Rev.  D.  J.  Sanders,  D.  D., 

President  and  Professor  of  Systematic  and  Ecclesiastical  The- 


Rev.  H.  E.  McCrorey,  D.  D. 

Professor  of  Hebrew  and  Greek  Exegesis. 

Rev.  Yorke  Jones,  D.  D., 

Professor  of  Homiletics,  History,  Rhetoric  and  English  Litera¬ 

Rev.  W.  M.  Hargrave,  D.  D., 

Professor  of  Mental  and  Moral  Science  and  Christian  Evi¬ 

Rev.  P.  W.  Russeee,  A.  M., 

Professor  of  Greek. 

Proe.  George  E.  Davis,  Ph.  D., 

Professor  of  Natural  Science. 

Proe.  R.  L.  Dougeass,  A.  M., 

Professor  of  Mathematics. 

Rev.  E.  J.  Anderson,  A.  B., 

Adjunct  Professor  of  Greek  and  Professor  of  Latin. 

J.  D.  Martin,  A.  M., 

Adjunct  Professor  of  Latin  Language. 

Rev.  P.  G.  Drayton,  D.  D., 

Professor  and  Principal  of  Normal  and  Preparatory  School. 


Biddle  University. 

W.  T.  Singleton,  A.  B., 
Assistant  Professor. 

H.  H.  Cardwell,,  A.  M. 

Assistant  Professor. 

I.  D.  L.  Torrence,  A.  B., 

Assistant  Professor. 

W.  H.  Stinson,  B.  S., 
Superintendent  of  the  Home  Department. 

H.  H.  Cardwell, 


George  E.  Davis, 

Secretary  of  Faculty. 



Rev.  D.  J.  Sanders,  D.  D. 

President  and  Professor  of  Systematic  and  Ecclesiastical 


Rev.  H.  L.  McCrorey  ,  D.  D., 

Professor  of  Hebrew  and  Greek  Exegesis. 

Rev.  Yorke  Jones,  D.  D. 

Professor  of  Biblical  and  Ecclesiastical  History  and 


Rev  W.  M.  Hargrave,  D.  D., 

Professor  of  Christian  Evidences  and  Pastoral  Theology. 

Senior  Class. 

Charles  Jeremiah  Baker,  A.  B.,  Grahamville,  S.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’oo. 
Samuel  Lee  Fulwood,  A.  B.,  Workman,  S.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’oi. 

Italy  LeConte,  A.  B.,  Thebes,  Ga.,  B.  U.,  ’oi. 


Middle  Class. 

Diamond  Charles  Council,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Samuel  Adolphus  Downer,  Glascow,  Berbice,  S.  A.,  Queen’s 

Homer  Young  Kennedy,  A.  B.,  Due  West,  S.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’02. 
John  Martin  Miller,  Sharon,  S.  C.,  B.  U. 

Spencer  Paschal  Mitchell,  A.  B.,  Mayesville,  S.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’02. 
Joseph  Adolphus  Thos.  Hazell,  Br.  W.  I.,  Mico  College. 
Charles  Alexander  Ward,  A.  B.,  Lincolnton,  N.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’o 2. 
James  Garfield  Walker,  A.  B.,  Burlington,  N.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’02. 



Biddle:  University. 

Junior  Class. 

Allen  Augustus  Wilson,  A.  B.,  Dalton,  Ga.,  B.  U.,  03. 

John  Lawrence  Phelps,  A.  B.,  Augusta,  Ga.,  B.  U.,  ’03. 

Virgil  MacPherson,  A.  B.,  Biddleville,  N.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’03. 
James  Leslie  Hollowed,  A.  B.,  Goldsboro,  N.  C,  B.  U.,  ’03. 
Henry  Baker  Gantt,  S.  B.,  Abbeville,  S.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’ 02 . 
William  Alexander  Grigg,  A.  B.,  Charlotte,  N.  C.,  B.  U.,  ’03. 
Robert  Lee  Burgess,  Ridgeway,  Va.,  B.  U. 


Total,  18. 


The  numerals  in  brackets  indicate  the  number  of  zveekly  recita¬ 

Junior  Year — first  Term. 

Hebrew — Grammar  and  Manual . (5)  Harper. 

Greek  Exegesis  . (4)  The  Gospels. 

Biblical  Introduction . (2) 

Biblical  History . (2) 

Christian  Evidences . (1) 

Homiletics . (2) 

Junior  Year — Second  Term. 

Hebrew — Grammar  and  Manual . (5) 

Greek  Exegesis  . (4) 

Biblical  Introduction . (2) 

Biblical  History . (2) 

Systematic  Theology . (1) 

Homiletics  . . . (2) 

The  Gospels. 

Hodge’s  Outlines 

Middle  Year — First  Term. 

Hebrew — Historical  Books 
Greek  Exegesis  . 

(2)  Harper. 

(4)  Pauline  Epistles. 

Biddle  University. 


Biblical  Introduction 

Church  History . . 

Theology  . . 

Homiletics . 



(4)  Hodge’s  Outlines. 
(2)  Broadus. 

Middle  Year — Second  Term . 

Hebrew — Historical  Books . (2) 

Greek  Exegesis  . (2) 

Church  Government . (2) 

Church  History . (2) 

Theology  . (4) 

Christian  Ethics . (1) 

Homiletics  . . . (2) 


Pauline  Epistles. 

Hodge’s  Pres  .Law 
Hodge’s  Outlines. 


Senior  Year — First  Term. 

Hebrew — Prophecy  and  Poetry.  . 


Greek  Exegesis  . 


Church  History . 


Pauline  ' 


Theology  . . . 

•  (1) 

Church  Government . 

•  (3) 



Pastoral  Theology . 



Pres.  Law. 

Homiletics . 


Senior  Year — Second  Term. 

Hebrew — Prophecy  and  Poetry.  . .  (2) 

Greek  Exegesis  .  (2)  Pauline  Epistles. 

Church  History . (2)  Hodge’s  Outlines. 

Theology  . (2) 

Homiletics . (2) 


Biddle  University. 


School  of  Theology,  First  Term.  Modified  somewhat  by 
substitution  in  Second  Term,  but  same  number  of  subjects. 






A.  M. 

[r.  Bib.  Hist. . . 

Jr.  Bib.  Hist 

Sr.  Hebrew .... 

Sr.  Hebrew  . 


Mid  Hnm . 

Mid  Heb . 

Jr.  Hv.  Christ.  . 

Sr.  Ch.  Hist.. . 

Sr.  Ch.  Hist.... 

Sr.  Past.  The. . 

Sr  Past.  Theol. . 


Mid,  Theol. . 

Mid.  Theol.. . . 

Mid.  Theol. .  . 

Mid,  Theol. ... 

Jr.  G.  Test .... 

Jr.  Gk.  Test 

Jr.  Gk.  Test 

Jr.  Gk.  Test. . . 

P.  M. 

Sr,  Theol 

Sr.  Ch.  Gov.. . . 

Sr.  Ch.  Gov  . . 

Sr.  Ch.  Gov . 


Jr.  Hebrew.. . 

Mid.  Ch.  Hist 

Mid.  Ch.  Hist 

Mid.  Horn . 

Mid.  Horn . 

Jr  Hebrew.... 

Jr.  Hebrew  . . . 

Jr.  Hebrew. . . . 

Jr.  Hebrew  . 

P.  M 

Sr.  Gk.  Test . 

Sr.  Gk.  Test . 


Mid. Chris  Eth 

Sr.  Hnm . 

Mid  Gk  Test 

Mid.  Gk  Test. 

Jr.  Horn . 

Jr.  Horn . 

Jr.  Bib.  Intro.. 

Jr.  Bib.  Intro _ 

Old  Testament.— Prof.  McCrorey. 

1.  During  1892-93,  and  every  second  year,  a  course  upon 
Old  Testament  Introduction,  Criticism  and  Theology,  twice  a 
week  for  half  a  year. 

2.  Junior  Class.  Hebrew  begun.  Recitation  five  times  a 
week  throughout  the  year,  lext  Book:  Harper’s  Elments  of 
Hebrew,  Harper’s  Introductory  Hebrew  Method  and  Manual. 
Special  emphasis  is  laid  on  the  acquisition  of  a  vocabulary. 
The  inflection  of  the  language  and  several  hundred  of  the 
commonest  words  are  memorized.  There  is  daily  drill  in  re¬ 
ciprocal  oral  translation  and  in  writing  Hebrew. 

3.  Middle  Class.  Reading  irom  the  Historical  Books  twice 
a  week  throughout  the  year.  1  ext  Book  :  Hebrew  Bible,  Har¬ 
per’s  Hebrew  Syntax,  Driver’s  Hebrew  Tenses.  Special 
attention  will  be  given  to  the  Syntax,  to  enlarge  the  vocabu¬ 
lary,  and  to  rapid  reading.  For  a  part  of  the  year  the  class 
will  take  English  Bibles  to  the  blackboard  and,  with  these 
alone,  write  the  Hebrew  from  memory. 





Biddle  University. 


4.  Senior  Class.  Reading  at  sight  from  the  Historical 
Books.  Exegesis  of  Hebrew  Prophecy,  and  Poetry,  twice  a 
week  throughout  the  year. 

5.  During  1893-94,  and  every  second  year,  such  members 
of  the  Middle  and  Senior  Classes  as  are  qualified  for  it,  may 
make  a  beginning  in  Comparative  Semitic  Grammar  by  reading 
comparatively  the  first  chapter  of  Genesis  in  Hebrew,  Aramaic, 
Syriac  and  Arabic. 

New  Testament — Prof.  McCrorey. 

1.  During  1893-94,  and  every  second  year,  a  course  upon 
New  Testament  Introduction,  Criticism  and  Theology,  twice 
a  week  for  half  the  year. 

2.  a.  Junior  Class  will  begin  the  remaining  three  gospels 
with  reference  to  the  Harmony,  and  also  to  the  distinctive 
character  of  each  of  the  four  gospels,  four  times  a  week 
throughout  the  year. 

b.  Middle  Class  will  read  Ephesians  with  Exegesis  twice  a 
week  throughout  the  year.  The  other  epistles  of  the  captivity 
— Philippians,  Colossians  and  Philemon — will  be  assigned  for 
private  reading.  A  summary  of  their  contents  will  be  con¬ 
sidered  in  the  class  room,  and  they  will  be  required  in  the 

c.  Senior  Class  will  read  Romans  with  Exegesis  twice  a 
week  throughout  the  year.  The  other  Epistles  of  the  third 
Missionary  Journey,  I  Corinthians,  II  Corinthians  and  Gala¬ 
tians,  will  be  assigned  for  private  reading.  Their  scope  and 
contents  will  be  discussed  in  the  schoolroom,  and  they  will  be 
required  in  the  examination. 

Systematic  Theology— Dr.  Sanders. 

In  this  department  the  purpose  is  to  have  each  student  read, 
during  his  course,  some  standard  work  on  Systematic  The¬ 
ology,  and  in  addition  to  this  read  some  authority  on  Theism. 

This  course  of  reading  will  be  made  the  subject  of  the  most 
thorough  examination  and  free  discussion,  and  will  be  supple¬ 
mented  by  every  available  means  which  are  likely  to  encourage 


Biddle  University. 

and  stimulate  the  student  in  his  search  for  truth,  and  in 
preparation  for  its  defence. 

Systematic  Theology  is  begun  in  the  second  term  of  the 
Junior  year  and  completed  in  the  Senior  year.  The  doctrines 
of  Theology  are  presented  didactically,  historically  and  polemi¬ 
cally.  The  order  of  topics  pursued  is :  The  nature,  forms  and 
sources  of  theology ;  the  being  of  God ;  Hisnature  and  attrib¬ 
utes ;  Trinity;  the  Divinity  of  Christ;  the  Holy  Spirit;  the 
decrees  of  God ;  creation ;  providence ;  miracles ;  the  origin, 
nature  and  primitive  state  of  man ;  the  covenant  with  Adam ; 
the  fall ;  sin ;  imputation ;  original  sin ;  inability ;  the  cove¬ 
nant  of  grace ;  the  person  of  Christ ;  His  offices ;  the  nature, 
necssity,  perfection  and  extent  of  atonement ;  His  kingdom; 
His  humiliation  and  exaltation ;  vocation  ;  regeneration  ;  faith  ; 
justification;  sanctification;  the  law  of  God;  eschatology;  the 

Practical  Theology. 

Homiletics. — Prof.  Jones. — The  work  of  this  Department  is 
carried  on  throughout  the  Seminary  course.  In  the  Junior 
and  Middle  years,  a  text-book  on  the  “Preparation  and  Deliv¬ 
ery  of  Sermons,”  is  read.  This  is  supplemented  by  exercises 
in  the  analysis  of  Sermons,  and  preaching  before  the  Pro¬ 
fessors  and  students  of  the  University  weekly. 

In  the  Middle  and  Senior  Classes  much  attention  is  given 
to  the  preparation  and  critcism  of  Sermon  plans  and  extem¬ 
pore  preaching. 

Christian  Evidence. — Dr.  Hargrave. — By  means  of  text¬ 
books  and  discussions  the  student  is  aided  in  verifying  the 
Biblical  proofs  of  doctrine  and  Christian  truth  as  represented 
in  the  symbols  of  the  Church,  and  he  is  thus  trained  to  express 
with  facility  and  clearness  the  revealed  will  of  God. 

Pastoral  Theology. — The  treatment  of  this  subject  is  con¬ 
fined  to  the  third  year  of  the  course.  It  is  designed  that  each 
student  shall  become  thoroughly  acquainted  with  the  best 
method  of  applying  the  message  of  salvation  to  the  hearts 
and  lives  of  men.  Lectures  are  given,  accompanied  by  the 
use  of  text-books. 

BiddeE  University. 


The  course  includes  the  importance  of  ministerial  piety, 
proper  habits  of  study,  skill  and  ability  in  the  various  branches 
of  church  work,  the  pastor’s  duty  and  relation  to  the  various 
courtsof  the  church,  and  the  various  private  and  public  duties 
pertaining  to  his  office. 

Church  Government. — Dr.  Sanders. — Four  lectures  on  the 
general  subject  are  given  to  the  Junior  Class. 

In  the  Middle  Year  the  Form  of  Government  with  proof 
texts  is  taken  up  and  pursued  through  one  term,  and  a  minute 
comparison  with  other  forms  of  church  polity  is  made. 

In  the  Middle  and  Senior  years,  Dr.  Hodge’s  work,  “What 
is  Presbyterian  Eaw-f”  and  the  Book  of  Discipline  are  used  as 
text-books,  accompanied  by  lectures. 

Biblical  and  Ecclesiastical  History— Prof.  Jones. 

Since  sacred  history  is  of  vital  imporance  as  a  part  of  a 
thorough  Theological  Education,  the  subject  is  pursued 
through  the  entire  three  years’  course. 

Biblical  History  is  studied  by  the  Junior  Class  with  the 
English  version  of  the  Old  Testament  as  a  text-book,  and 
Smith’s  Old  Testament  History  as  a  guide,  and  is  taught  by 
lectures  and  constant  reference  to  the  typical  and  preparatory 
nature  of  the  Old  Testament.  The  connection  between  sacred 
and  profane  history  is  pointed  out  and  attention  given  to 
Archaeology,  Geography  and  Chronology. 

Ecclesiastical  History. — This  subject  is  taken  up  by  the 
Middle  Class  and  is  taught  by  lectures  with  text-book,  cov¬ 
ering  the  period  from  Aspostolic  times  to  the  Reformation — 
1 6th  Century. 

The  Senior  Class  continues  the  subject, from  the  Reforma¬ 
tion  to  the  present  time,  devoting  the  second  term  to  the  His¬ 
tory  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  in  the  United  States. 

During  each  year  a  carefully  prepared  thesis  having  for 
its  subject  some  leading  personage,  epoch,  or  phase,  etc.,  of 
sacred  history,  is  required  from  each  student. 



This  school  is  open  to  young  men  of  all  denominations. 
Candidates  for  admission  must  produce  evidence  that  they 
are  members  in  good  and  regular  standing  in  some  evangelical 
Church ;  that  they  possess  competent  talent,  and  that  they  have 
been  regularly  graduated  at  some  College  or  University,  or 
in  some  way  they  have  received  an  equivalent  for  the  training 
of  a  College  course.  Applicants  for  admission  to  an  advance 
standing  must  present  a  dimission  from  some  other  Theologi¬ 
cal  Seminary,  or  be  prepared  for  examination  on  the  subjects 
which  have  been  pursued  by  the  class  which  they  desire  to 

When  a  student  who  has  been  a  member  of  any  other  Theo¬ 
logical  school  seeks  admission  into  this,  he  must  produce  cer¬ 
tificates  of  good  standing  and  orderly  dismission  ere  he  can 
be  received. 

Exceptional  Cases. 

In  exceptional  cases  promising  young  men  who  have  not 
had  the  benefit  of  a  full  College  course  will  be  received  and 
will  be  allowed  to  pursue  an  eclectic  course. 

Period  of  Study. 

The  regular  course  of  study,  as  in  other  Seminaries  of  the 
Church,  covers  a  period  of  three  years. 

Practical  Work. 

The  practical  work  of  the  Ministry  is  joined  with  work  as 
the  Theological  students  have  opportunities  of  laboring  as 
supplies  in  the  neighboring  churches,  during  vacation  and  in 
term  time. 

With  the  facilities  at  hand  special  and  successful  efforts  are 

Biddle;  University. 


made  to  aid  students  in  obtaining  vacation  employment  along 
the  lines  of  their  future  work  as  teachers  and  preachers  among 
the  people. 

Rules  and  Regulations. 

Except  in  a  few  particulars  the  students  of  the  School  of 
Theology  are  not  subject  to  the  rules  and  regulations  which 
govern  those  of  the  other  Schools  of  the  University. 


The  rooms  in  McNamee  Hall,  so  far  as  is  necessary,  are 
reserved  for  Theological  students.  Each  of  these  rooms  is 
furnished  with  a  bedstead,  mattress,  pillows,  bureau,  wash- 
stand,  chairs,  looking-glass,  etc.,  and  is  heated  by  steam. 


There  is  no  charge  for  tuition  or  room  rent. 

There  is  a  charge  of  $8.00  per  month  for  board  in  connec¬ 
tion  with  the  Boarding  Department,  where  all  the  students 
living  on  the  grounds  are  required  to  board.  The  fee  of  $8.00 
per  month  covers  also  expenses  of  fuel,  light  and  washing  of 
towels  and  bed  clothing. 

The  Examinations. 

The  Semi-Annual  Examinations  will  be  conducted  during 
the  third  week  in  December  and  the  last  week  in  May.  The 
examination  will  be  oral  and  written.  Each  student  is  re¬ 
quired  to  take  these  examinations,  and  if  by  sickness  or  ab¬ 
sence  one  fails  to  take  them,  he  must  submit  to  an  examination 
with  a  corresponding  class  in  a  subsequent  year. 


Faculty  of  Arts. 

Rev.  D.  J.  Sanders,  D.  D., 


Rev.  P.  W.  Russerr,  A.  M., 

Professor  of  Greek. 

Rev.  Yorke  Jones,  D.  D., 

Professor  of  English  Literature,  Rhetoric  and  History. 
Rev.  W.  M.  Hargrave,  D.  D., 

Professor  of  Mental  and  Moral  Science  and  the  Evidences  of 


Proe.  Geo.  D.  Davis,  Ph.  D., 

Professor  of  Natural  Science. 

Proe.  R.  L.  Dougrass,  A.  M., 

Professor  of  Mathematics. 

Rev.  E.  J.  Anderson,  A.  B., 

Adjunct  Professor  of  Greek  and  Professor  of  Latin. 

Rev.  P.  G.  Drayton,  A.  B., 

Adjunct  Professor  of  English  Language  and  Rhetoric. 

J.  D.  Martin,  A.  M., 

Ajunct  Professor  o;  Latin  Language. 

Biddle  University. 


Courses,  Degrees  and  Terms  of  Admission. 

The  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences  embrace  two  courses  of 
study,  the  Classical  and  Scientific.  Students  completing  the 
Classical  course  satisfactorily,  receive  the  degree  of  Bachelor 
of  Arts ;  those  completing  the  Scientific  course,  that  of  Bach¬ 
elor  of  Science.  Candidates  for  admission  to  the  Freshman 
Class  are  examined  in  the  studies  prescribed  in  our  Prepara¬ 
tory  Course,  or  their  equivalent  in  case  of  those  coming  from 
other  schools. 

For  advanced  standing  the  candidate,  in  addition  to  pre¬ 
paratory  studies,  will  be  examined  in  those  previously  studied 
by  the  class  he  wishes  to  enter,  or  others  equivalent  to  them. 


The  numerals  in  parentheses  indicate  the  number  of  weekly  re¬ 

Classical  Course. 

Freshman — First  T erm. 

Latin  . 

Greek . 

Engeish . 

Mathematics  . 

Scientific  Knowledge  . 

English  Bible  . 

Music  and  Rhetoricals 

. Eutropius  ( 3 ) 

. White’s  First  Book  (4) 

Composition  and  Rhetoric  (2) 
. School  Algebra  (3) 

. G) 

. (1) 

. (1) 

Freshman — Second  Term. 

Latin  . . 

Greek  . 

English . 

Mathematics  . 

Scientific  Knowledge  . 

English  Bible  . 

Pedagogy  . 

Music  and  Rhetoricals 

.  Csesar  ( 3 ) 

. White’s  First  Book  (3) 

Composition  and  Rhetoric  (2) 

. School  Algebra  (3) 

. (2) 

. (1) 

. Essentials  of  Method  (1) 

. (1) 

Sophomore — First  Term. 

Mathematics  . Algebra  completed  (4) 

Greek . White’s  comp;  Anab.  begun  (4) 

Latin  .  Csesar  completed  (3) 

Biddle  University. 

English  Bible  . . .  (1) 

Rhetoric . . .  (2) 

Sophomore — Second  Term. 


Greek  . ., . 

Greek  Testament 

Latin  . 

History . 

English  Bible  . . 

. Geometry  (3) 

.  Anabasis  ( 3 ) 

. . . .  (1) 

.  Tacitus’  Germania  (3) 
English  and  General  (5) 

. (1) 

Junior — First  Term. 

Mathematics . 

Greek.  ....  .Xenophon’s  Anabasis,  Books 

Greek  Testament  . 

Latin  . 

Natural  Science  . . . . 

English  Bible  . 

Rhetoric  . . 

....Geometry  (2) 
III,  IV,  V.  (2) 

.  (1) 

.  Virgil  (3) 

.  .  .  .  Physics  (3) 

. ' . (1) 

. (5) 

Junior — Second  Term. 

Mathematics . Geometry  (3) 

Greek  . . . , .  Iliad,  3  Books  (3) 

Greek  Testament  . • .  (1) 

Latin  .  Virgil  (3) 

Natural  Science . Physics,  Gage;  Botany,  Wood  (3) 

English  Bible  .  (1) 

Chemistry  . , .  (2) 

Senior — First  Term. 

Mathematics  . 

Greek  . 

Greek  Testament  . 

Latin  . . . . . 

Natural  Science  . . 
English  Literature 
Mental  Science  . . . 

. Plain  Trigonometry  (2) 

Xenophon’s  Memorabilia.  .  (3) 

. (1) 

.  Cicero  ( 3 ) 

. Astronomy,  Young  (3) 

.  (2) 

.  (A 


Biddle  University. 

Senior — Second  Term. 

Mathematics .  Surveying  (2) 

Greek  . .  Odyssey  (2) 

Latin . ...Horace,  Satires  and  Epistles  (2) 

Political  Economy  .  (2) 

Natural  Science . Physical  Geography,  Zoology  (4) 

Moral  Science  . . > .  (3) 

English  Bible  .  (1) 

Scientific  Course. 

Freshman — First  Term. 

Greek  or  Latin  . . 

English . 

Mathematics  . 

Scientific  Knowledge  . 

English  Bible  . 

Music  and  Rhetoricals 

. . . (4) 

Composition  and  Rhetoric  (2) 

. School  Algebra  (3) 

. (A 

. (1) 

. (1) 

Freshman — Second  Term. 

Greek  or  Latin . 

English . 

Mathematics  . 

Scientific  Knowledge  . 

English  Bible  . 

Pedagogy  . 

Music  and  Rhetoricals 

. (3) 

Composition  and  Rhetoric  (2) 
. School  Algebra  (3) 

. (2) 

. (1) 

. Essentials  of  Method  ( 1 ) 

. (1) 

Sophomore — First  Term. 

Mathematics  . . 
Greek  or  Latin 
English  Bible 
Rhetoric . 

Algebra  completed  (4) 

.  (4) 

.  (1) 

.  (2) 

Sophomore — Second  Term. 


Geometry  (3) 

Biddle  University.  *  19 

Greek  or  Latin....-- .  (3) 

History . English  and  General  (5) 

English  Bible  . . (1) 

J u nior — First  T erm. 

Mathematics . Geometry  (2) 

Greek  or  Latin  .  (4) 

Natural  Science  .  Physics  (3) 

English  Bible  . (1) 

Rhetoric  . (5) 

Junior — Second  T erm. 

Mathematics . Geometry  (3) 

Greek  or  Latin  .  (3) 

Natural  Science . Physics,  Gage;  Botany,  Wood  (3) 

English  Bible  . . * .  (1) 

Chemistry  .  (2) 

Senior — First  Term. 

Mathematics  . Plain  Trigonometry  (2) 

Greek  or  Latin  .  (3) 

Natural  Science  . Astronomy,  Young  (3) 

English  Literature  .  (2) 

Mental  Science  .  (2) 

Senior — Second  Term. 

Mathematics  . . .  .1 .  Surveying  (2) 

Greek  or  Latin  .  (2) 

Political  Economy  . . . . .  (2) 

Natural  Science . Physical  Geography,  Zoology  (2) 

Moral  Science  . < .  (3) 

English  Bible  .  ( 1 ) 


Biddle  University 

Schedule— School  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

First  Term,  Modified  Somewhat  by  Substitution  in  the  Second 
Term,  but  same  Number  of  Subjects. 






9:10  a.  m. 

9-10  a.  m. 

9-10  A.  M. 

9-10  A.  M. 

9-10  A.  M. 

Fresh.  Rhet. — 1 

Fresh.  Rhet. — 1 

Fresh.  Gk.— 2 

Fresh.  Gk.— 2 

Fresh.  Sci. — 1 . 

— Drayton 
Fresh.  Gk.— 2 

-  Drayton 
Fresh.  Gk.— 2 

Fresh.  Rhet.— 1 

— Anderson 

— Davis 

— Anderson 

— Anderson 

— Drayton 

Soph.  Algebra 

Soph  Eng  Bib. 

Soph.  Algebra. 
— Douglass 

Soph.  Algebra. 
— Douglass 

Soph.  Algebra 
— Douglass 

— Douglass 

— Russell 

Junior  Astron. 

Jun.  Astron. 

Jun.  Astron. 

Jun.  Rhet. 

Jun.  Rhet. 

— Davis 
Sen.  Xen 

— Davis 
Sen.  Xen 

— Davis 
Sen.  Xen 

— Jones 





Sen.  Gk.  Test 

Sen.  Trigo 

— Russell 

— Russell 

— Russell 

— Russell 


11:30-12:30  a.  m. 

11:30-12:30  A.  M. 

11:30-12:30  a.  m. 

11:30-12-30  a.  m. 

11:30-12:30  a.  m. 

Fresh.  Rhet.— 2 

Fresh.  Rhet . — 2 

Fresh.  Gk. — 1 

Fresh.  Eng. 

-  Drayton 


Fresh.  Alg. — 2 

— Anderson 

Bib.— 1-2 
— Russell 

Fresh.  Gk.— 1 

Fresh.  Gk.— 1 

— Douglass 

Fresh.  Sci. — 2 

—  Anderson 

— Anderson 

Fresh.  Gk.— 1 
— Anderson 

— Davis 

Soph.  Caesar 

— Martin 

Soph.  Anabas’s 

Soph.  Anabasis 

Soph  Anabasis 

Soph.  Caesar 

— Russell 

— Russell 

— Russell 

— Martin 

Jun.  Anabasis 
— Russell 

Jun.  Geom. 

Jun.  Geom. 

Jun.  Rhet. 

Jun.  Anabasis 

— Douglass 


— Jones 

—  Russell 

Sen.  Cicero 

Sen.  P.  Geo. 

Sen  P.  Geo. 

Sen.  Geo.  P. 

Sen.  Trigo 

—  Davis 

— Davis 

— Davis 

— Douglass 

3-4  p.  m 

3-4  p.  m. 

3-4  p.  m. 

3-4  p.  m. 

3-4  p.  m. 

Fresh.  Sci.— 1 

Fresh.  Sci. — 2 

Fresh.  Aleg.— 1 

Fresh.  Alg.— 1 

Fresh.  Alg. — 1 

— Davis 

— Davis 

— Douglass 

— Douglass 


Soph.  Ceasar 

Soph  Rhet. 

Fresh.  Eutro.— 2 

Fresh  Eutro. — 2 

FreshEutro— 2 

— Martin 

— Jones 

— Martin 
Soph.  Rhet. 

— Martin 
Soph.  Physics 

— Martin 
Soph.  Physics 

Jun.  Eng.  Bible 

Jun.  Gk.  Test. 

— Jones 

— Davis 

— Davis 



Jun.  Yir.  Enid 
— Anderson 

Jun.  Yir.  .Enid 
— Anderson 

— Anderson 

Sen.  Cicero. 

Sen.  Cicero. 

Sen.  Ment.  Sci. 

Sen.  Ment  Sci. 

Sen.  Eng  Lit. 

—  Anderson 

— Anderson 

— Hargrave 

— Hargrave 

— Jones 

4-5  p.  m. 

4-5  p.  m. 

4-5  p  m. 

4-5  p.  m. 

4-5  p.  M. 

Fresh.  Sci. — 2 

Jun.  Rhet. 

Fresh.  Alg. — 2 

Fresh.  Alg. — 2 

Fresh .  Alg. — 2 

— Davis 


— Douglass 

Fresh.  Eutro  — 1 

—  Douglass 

Jun.  Rhet. 

Fresh.  Eutrop—1 

— Martin 

FreshEutro— 1 

— Jones 

— Martin 

Sen.  Eng.  Lit. 

— J  mes 


Biddle  University. 


Natural  Science— Prefessor  Davis. 

Physics — Five  months  . 3  times  a  week 

Botany — Three  months  . 1 . 3  times  a  week 

Physical  Geography — Four  months  . 4  times  a  week 

Astronomy — Four  months  . 3  times  a  week 

Chemistry — Four  months  . 2  times  a  week 

Zoology — Three  months . 2  times  a  week 

1.  Physics. 

During  the  Junior  Year,  the  following  topics,  with  others 
with  others  will  be  treated :  Mathematical  Physics,  Molecular 
Physics,  Hydrostatics,  Pneumatics,  the  Kinetic  Theory  of 
Gases,  Acoustics,  Electricity  and  Magnetism,  the  Correlation 
and  Conservation  of  Energy. 

Gage’s  Elements  of  Physics  is  used. 

2.  Chemistry. 

Chemistry  will  be  studied  during  the  second  four  months  of 
the  Junior  Year.  The  work  embraces  the  general  treatment 
of  Chemical  Philosophy,  Chemistry  of  the  non-metals,  the 
metals,  Organic  Chemistry  and  Chemical  Archgeology. 

The  lectures  on  this  subject  will  be  illustrated  by  experi¬ 
ments  and  be  followed  by  reviews  and  examinations  during 
the  course.  Apparatus  and  re-agents  sufficient  for  laboratory 
work  will  be  furnished  the  students  at  a  small  cost. 

William’s  Introduction  to  Chemical  Science  will  be  used  in 
connection  with  lectures. 

3.  Astronomy. 

The  Second  half  of  the  Senior  Year  is  devoted  to  the  study 
of  astronomy;  embracing  the  elementary  principals  of  mathe¬ 
matical  and  Physical  Astronomy,  such  as  Parallax,  Refracton, 
Latitude  and  Longitude,  Precession,  Nutation,  Aberation. 
Theory  of  Tides  and  Lunar  Eclipses,  and  elements  of  a 
Planet’s  Orbit. 

Young’s  Elements  of  Astronomy  is  used. 


Biddee  University. 

4.  Botany. 

The  subject  of  Botany  is  pursued  during  the  last  two 
months  of  the  Junior  Year.  The  student  is  required  to  gather 
specimens  of  flowers  and  plants ;  to  analyze  and  classify  the 
same.  An  herbarium  of  thirty  specimens  is  required. 

Wood’s  New  Botanist  and  Florist  is  used. 

5.  Zoology. 

The  last  three  months  of  the  Senior  Year  will  be  devoted 
to  Zoology.  Typical  forms  will  be  used  to  illustrate  the 
subjects  as  they  may  be  obtained  in  the  locality. 

Steel’s  Fourteen  Weeks  in  Zoology  is  used  as  a  text-book. 

6.  Physical  Geography. 

This  subject  covers  the  last  half  of  the  Junior  Year.  It 
will  betreated  mainly  by  lectures.  Maury’s  Geography  will 
be  used  as  a  text-book ;  but  the  student  will  have  daily  access 
to  such  books  as  Maury’s  Geography  of  the  Sea,  Foye’s  Child 
and  Nature,  Guyot’s  Earth  and  Man,  Goldwaite’s  Geographical 
Maganzine,  Ritter’s  Comparative  Geography,  and  similar 
books  for  collateral  reading. 

Latin  Language  and  Literature  — Professor  Anderson. 

*  1 

Allen  and  Greenough’s  Eatin  Grammar  will  be  the  standard 
of  reference. 

Special  attention  will  be  given  to  analysis  and  parsing 
throughout  the  course. 

Some  time  will  be  devoted  to  the  study  of  the  style  of  each 

Scanning  Latin  poetry  will  be  part  of  the  work  required  in 
the  study  of  Poetical  Works. 

Lectures  on  Roman  Life,  Art  and  Customs  will  occupy  some 
time  in  connection  with  Horace’s  Works. 

Greek— Professor  Russell. 

The  course  of  study  in  the  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences 
as  outlined,  is  inteded  or  designed  to  lay  for  the  ordinary 

Biddle  University. 


student  a  foundation  for  the  successful  prosecution  of  the 
Greek  language  and  literature.  Recitations  daily. 

All  the  classes  will  also  read  from  the  Greek  New  Testament 
throughout  the  course.  Recitation  once  per  week. 

Examinations  required  on  all  subjects  in  each  class. 

Mathematics— Professor  Douglass. 

The  required  course  in  Mathematics  comprises  Algebra, 
Plane  and  Solid  Geometry,  Trigonometry  and  Surveying. 

Algebra. — Algebra  is  taught  throughout  the  Freshman 
year,  and  continued  through  the  first  term  of  the  Sophomore 

Plane  Geometry. — The  study  of  Plane  Geometry  is  taken  up 
the  Second  Term  of  the  Sophomore  year.  Special  attention 
is  given  to  the  Exercise  of  Original  Demonstration,  and  a 
free  discussion  of  the  possibilites  of  each  proposition  is  en¬ 

Solid  Geometry  and  Plane  Trigonometry  is  the  prescribed 
course  for  Juniors. 

Surveying. — Surveying  is  taught  through  out  the  first  half 
of  the  Senior  year.  Special  attention  is  devoted  to  field  work. 

History— Professor  Jones. 

The  study  of  English  General  History  is  carried  through 
the  Second  Term  of  the  Sophomore  year,  with  text-book  and 
by  lecture.  On  this  subject  there  will  be  five  recitations  a 
week.  This  subject  receives  that  careful  and  exhaustive  at- 
tion  which  its  importance  demands. 

Philosophy— Dr.  Hargrave. 

Mental  Science. — Mental  Science  is  taught  through  the  first 
term  of  the  Senior  year  by  the  use  of  text-books  and  lectures. 

Moral  Science. — Moral  Science  is  studied  through  the  sec¬ 
ond  term  of  the  Senior  year,  and  the  students  are  instructed  in 
the  principals  of  Theoretical  and  Practical  Ethics. 


Biddle;  University. 

Civil  Government. — Civil  Government  and  the  Constitution 
of  the  United  States,  and  Political  Economy,  are  studied  in 
the  Senior  year,  and  each  student  is  made  acquainted  with  the 
government  of  the  people  of  the  United  States,  and  American 

English  Bible — Dr.  Hargrave. 

Scope  and  Aim.- — The  English  Bible  as  a  text-book  is  read 
and  studied,  without  intervention  of  helps  or  commentaries, 
in  the  Normal,  Preparatory  and  Collegiate  Departments  of  the 
school.  The  course,  as  hereinafter  outlined,  covers  a  period 
of  six  years.  The  aim  is  to  take  the  student  through  a  syste¬ 
matic  and  carefully  supervised  study  of  the  “Book  of  Books” 
in  its  entirety. 

The  Second  Class  will  read  Gen.-Deut. 

The  First  Class  will  read  Josh.-Esth. 

The  Freshman  Class  will  read  Job-Dan. 

The  Sophomore  Class  will  read  the  twelve  Minor  Phophets 
— Hos.-Mal.  First. 

The  Junior  Class  will  read  New  Testament — Matthews-2 
Cor.  First  and  second  terms. 

The  Senior  Class  will  read  New  Testament — Gal -Rev. 
Second  term. 

senior  class. 

James  Adger  Clark . 

Winslow  Davis  Elliott . 

Tobias  Gallant.  . 

James  Anderson  Gladden . 

Cornell  Alvin  Johnson . 

Solomon  Sampson  Morton . 

Rufus  James  Mays . . . 

Jessie  Willis  Peele . . 

Charles  Percy  Pitchford . 

Isaiah  Prince  Pogue . 

James  Edward  Strong . 

Charles  Sumner  Trapp . 

Edward  Joseph  Sawyer . 

.Fayetteville,  N.  C. 
.St.  Augustine,  Fla. 
.  Charleston,  S.  C. 
..Blackstock,  S.  C. 
. .  .  Columbia,  S.  C. 
...Abbeville,  S.  C. 
...Beaufort,  S.  C. 
..Goldsboro,  N.  C. 
....  Jetersville,  Va. 
....Sumter,  S.  C. 
. .  .Blackstock,  S.  C. 
...Greenville,  S.  C. 
Bennettsville,  S.  C. 

Biddle  University. 


Marshall  Alexander  Talley . v..Cheraw,  S.  C. 

John  Middleton  Wright . Beaufort,  S.  C. 



Peter  Barber,  Jr . . Blackstock,  S.  C. 

John  Augustus  Baker . Portsmouth,  Va. 

Hamilton  Gordon  Barnwell . Beaufort,  S.  C. 

Clarence  Boulware . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Frank  Edward  Bryant . Salisbury,  N.  C. 

-Arthur  John  Howard  Clement . Cleveland,  N.  C. 

Edward  Richard  Dudley . ; . Newbern,  N.  C. 

Charles  Nathaniel  Ellerbe . Marion,  S.  C. 

Robert  Elliott  Foster . Abbeville,  S.  C. 

Allen  Thomas  Gaines . Charlotte  C.  H.,  Va. 

William  Mack  Glover . Columbia,  S.  C. 

James  Elliott  Jackson . Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

George  Waldo  Long . Chester,  S.  C. 

Charles  Henry  Eewellyn . South  Boston,  Va. 

Levi  Curtis  Eawrence . Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Ulisses  Stephen  Maxwell . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Luther  Washington  MacLamb . Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Thomas  Waldimer  MacRobson . St.  Croix,  D.  W.  I. 

John  Thomas  Page . Gorman,  N.  C. 

James  Baker  Russell.. . Blackstock,  N.  C. 

William  Adolphus  Rice . Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Alonzo  Spaulding . Elkton,  N.  C. 

Russell  Lewis  Smith . Oxford,  N.  C. 

Ralph  Thornton  Weddington . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Alfred  William  White . Mitford,  S.  C. 

George  Preston  Watkins . Danville,  Va. 

Samuel  Sandy  Middleton . Charleston,  S.  C. 

Charles  Logan  Stimpson . Lexington,  N.  C. 

James  Wells  Young . Henrietta,  N.  C. 



Biddle  University. 


John  Samuel  Joseph  Byers . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

James  Henry  Boulware . Flint  Hill,  S.  C. 

Frank  Atkins  Brown . Darien,  Ga. 

John  David  Carr . Danville,  Va. 

John  Harrison  Cardwell . . . . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Henry  Wesley  Cooper . Sardinia,  S.  C. 

Thomas  Benjamin  Davis . Sumter,  S.  C. 

John  Earnest  Easterling  . Birmingham,  Ala 

George  William  Franklin  .  . .  .* . Laurens,  S.  C 

John  Richard  Green  . . Oxford,  N.  C. 

Thomas  Jay  Baxter  Harris . ..Ridgeway,  Va. 

George  Edward  Henderson . Danville,  Va. 

Hardy  Alderman  Henderson . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Frank  Napoleon  Harris . Laurens,  S.  C. 

William  Hawkins . Ridgeway,  N.  C. 

Willard  Benjamin  King . Graham,  N.  C. 

Lawrence  Lightner . Chester,  S.  C. 

Hector  Charles  Miller . Darien,  Ga. 

James  Henry  Miller . Concord,  N.  C. 

William  MacPherson . Graham,  N.  C. 

Warren  Julius  Nelson . Sumter,  S.  C. 

Habakkuk  Perry . Monroe,  N.  C. 

Albert  Lee  Pearson . Walterboro,  S.  C. 

John  Garnett  Porter . Mathews,  N.  C. 

Hamilton  Robinson . Beaufort,  S.  C 

Samuel  Franklin  Strong . Blackstock,  S.  C. 

Halley  Blanton  Taylor . Newbern,  N.  C. 

John  Lee  White . . Waxhaw,  N.  C. 

Lemuel  Alexander  Yancy . .'...Danville,  Va. 



Aton  Arthur  Adier . Madison,  Ga. 

Charles  Kelley  Burns . Charleston,  S.  C. 

Vanderbilt  Brown.  . .  ., . , . Danville,  Va. 

Biddle  University. 


James  Everett  Barnwell. 
William  Lindsay  Brean. . . . 

Willie  Garfield  Capel . 

Clarence  Dillard . 

James  Simon  Duncan. 
Llyburn  Clinton  Downing.  . 

Noah  Samuel  Fleming . 

Treas  Andy  Feast er . 

Adolphus  Foster . 

Joseph  Thomas  Gladden.  . .  . 

James  Jehu  Graham . 

William  Henry  Hemphill .  . . 
William  Henry  Holloway.  . . 

Abray  Griffin  Jones . 

Alfred  Kyles . 

Connie  Melvin  Lyttle . 

Robert  Hargrave  Logan .... 
Lamar  Westcott  Lawrence. . 

Mack  Jarod  Lyttle . 

Sampson  Maudie  Mitchell.  .  , 

Manson  Arthur  Melton . 

Prince  Schofield  Neisler.  . .  . 

John  Robinson . 

Frank  Quick . 

John  Daniel  Stanback . 

George  Thomas  Sellers . 

Thomas  H.  Weddington.  . . . 
Lawrence  Lucan  Shepperson 
William  Thomas  White.  . .  . 
Julius  Saxon  Young . 

. Beaufort,  S.  C. 

. Liberty,  N.  C. 

.  .Rockingham,  N.  C. 
....  Goldsboro,  N.  C 

. Lancaster,  S.  C. 

. Roanoke,  Va. 

. .  .Morganton,  N.  C. 

. Chester,  S.  C. 

. Jonesville,  S.  C. 

.  . .  .Blackstock,  S.  C. 
.  .  Huntersville,  N.  C. 
....Blackstock,  S.  C. 

. . Durham,  N.  C. 

. Americus,  Ga. 

..St.  Augustine,  Fla. 
..Huntersville,  N.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. .  . .  .Columbia,  Tenn. 
..Huntersville,  N.  C. 

. Goodwill,  S.  C. 

.  Mechanicsville,  S.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. .  .  Biddle  University. 
. . .  Bennettville,  S.  C. 
.  .Littles  Mills,  N.  C. 
.  .|.  .Burlington,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Smoky  Ordinary,  Va. 
. .  .Orangeburg,  S.  C. 
. 1.  .Americus,  Ga. 

Total,  107. 



Students  of  the  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences  are  subject  to  all 
the  Rules  and  Regulations  for  the  government  of  the  Univer¬ 
sity,  except  that  service  in  the  School  of  Industries  is  optional. 

There  are  two  regular  examinations,  one  near  the  close  of 
each  of  the  two  terms.  The  final  grading  of  the  Senior  Class 
is  now  based  upon  in  part,  and  made  up  after,  the  second 

The  examinations  are  oral  and  written  and  the  requirements 
in  connection  therewith  are  absolute,  except  that  a  student  may 
be  conditioned  for  one  term  in  not  more  than  two  studies,  and 
the  minimum  general  average  for  promotion  to  a  higher  class  is 
75,  and  any  one  falling  below  65  in  any  three  studies  is  re¬ 
quired  to  repeat  the  year  or  is  dropped  from  the  school 

Students  are  required  to  conform  to  the  prescribed  courses  in 
every  particular,  unless  expressly  excused  by  the  Faculty. 

The  discipline  is  impartial  and  firm,  and  all  demerits  arising 
from  misconduct,  or  infringements  of  the  Rules  and  Regula¬ 
tions  enter  in  and  modify  the  grading,  and  when  the  number 
of  demerits  reaches  25  in  any  one  term  the  delinquent  is  sub¬ 
ject  to  suspension.  Demerited  students  cannot  take  part  in 
public  exercises  unless  relieved  by  special  action  of  the  Faculty. 



Rev.  D.  J.  Sanders,  D.  D., 


Rev.  P.  G.  Drayton,  D.  D., 

Principal  and  Professor  in  English. 

James  D.  Martin,  A.  M., 

Professor  of  Latin. 

W.  T.  Singleton,  A.  B., 

Professor  of  Music  and  Assistant  Professor  of  English. 

H.  H.  Cardwell,  B.  S.S, 

Assistant  Professor  of  English. 

I.  D.  L.  Torrence, 

Assistant  Professor. 

The  Preparatory  School  aims  to  prepare  the  student 
thoroughly  for  the  studies  of  either  course  of  the  School  of 
Arts.  The  Preparatory  English  Course  is  a  necessity,  as  the 
large  majority  of  the  students  coming  to  the  Institution  have 
not  had  the  opportunity  to  ground  themselves  in  the  common 
English  branches.  Upon  completing  the  studies  of  this  course 
the  student  is  prepared  to  teach  in  the  common  schools  of  the 
State,  as  well  as  to  enter  the  Freshman  Class.  A  certificate  will 
be  given  to  each  student  completing  this  course. 

All  applicants  for  admission  to  the  lowest  class  of  this  course 
must  be  at  least  twelve  years  of  age,  must  furnish  satisfactory 
testimonials  of  good  moral  character,  and  must  be  able  to  pass 
a  satisfactory  examination  ni  the  Fourth  Reader,  Primary 
Geography  and  Wentworth’s  Grammar  School  Arithmetic 
through  Decimals  and  Common  Fractions.  To  enter  a  higher 
class  the  applicant  must  pass  an  examination  in  the  studies  of 
the  class  next  below  it. 


Biddle  University. 

Course  of  Study. 

Second  Class — First  and  Second  T erms. 

Geography . [3] 

Mathematics . Arithmetic  [4] 

United  States  History . t . .  [3] 

English . . English  Lessons  [2] 

English  Bible .  [2] 

Reading .  [1] 

Spelling  and  Penmanship .  [1] 

Music  and  Rhetoricals .  [1] 

Negro  History,  in  Second  Term .  [1] 

First  Class — First  Term. 

Latin . # .  [4] 

English . [3] 

Mathematics . Arithmetic  [4] 

English  Bible .  [1] 

Spelling  and  Penmanship .  [1] 

Civil  Government . . . American  Citizen,  Dole  [1] 

Reading . [1] 

Music  and  Rhetoricals .  [1] 

First  Class — Second  Term. 

Latin .  [4] 

English .  Grammar  [3] 

Mathematics  .  Algebra  [4] 

English  Bible .  [1] 

Spelling  and  Penmanship .  [1] 

Civil  Government . American  Citizen,  Dole  [1] 

Reading  ...  .  [1] 

Music  and  Rhetoricals .  [1] 

Biddle  University 



Preparatory  and  Normal  School. 






9-10  A.  M. 

9  10  A.  M. 

9-10  A.  M. 

9-10  A.  M. 

9-10  A.  M. 

1  C  Latin  1 

1  C  Latin  1 

1  C  Latin  1 

1  C  Latin  1 

Spell&  Pen.  1,2 





Sing  eton 

1  C  Arith.  2 

1  C  Arith.  1 

1  C  Arith.  2 

l  C  Arith.  2 

1  C  Latin  2 






2  C  U  S  Hist.  1,2 

2  C  U  S  Hist.  1,  2 

2  C  U  S  Hist.  1,  2 

2  Spell  &  Pen.  1,2 

2  C  Read.  1  &2 






11-30-12:30  p.  m. 

11:20-12:30  P.  M. 

11:30-12  30  p.  m. 

11:30-12:30  P.  M. 

11:30-12:30  P.  M. 

1  C  Latin  2 

1  C  Latin  2 

1  C  Latin  2 

1  C  Read  1  &  2 





2  C  Ind.  Dept. 

1  C  Arith.  1 

1  C  Arith.  2 

1  C  Arith.  1 

1  C  Alg.  1 





2  C  Arith.  1 

2  C  Arith  1 

1  C  Arith.  1 

2  C  Arith.  1 





2  C  Geo.  2 

2  C  Geo.  2 

2  C  Geo.  2 

2  C  E.  Gram,  2 

2  C.  Gram.  2D 






3-4  p.  M. 

3-4  p.  m. 

3-4  p.  M. 

3-4  P.  m. 

3-4  p.  m. 

ICE.  Gram.  1 

ICE.  Gram.  1 

ICE.  Gram.  1 

1  C  Bible  1  &  2 

1C  Civ.  Gov  1.2 






1  C  Ind.  Dept.  2 

1  C  Ind.  Dept.  2 

1  C  Ind.  Dept.  2 


2  C  Geo.  1 

2  C  Geo.  1 

2  C  Geo.  1 

2  C  E-  Gram  1 





2  C  E.  Gram.  1 


2  C  Arith,  2 

2  C  Arith.  2 

2  C  Arith.  2 




2  C  Ind.  Deot.2 

4-5  p.  m. 

4-5  A.  M. 

4-5  p.  m. 

4-5  p.  m. 

4-5  p.  m. 

1C  Rhet&Mus. 

Profs  Drayton 

and  Singleton. 

Y>  hour  each. 

2  C  Arith.  2 

2 C  Mus&  Rhet 

1  C  Ind.  Dept.  1 

1  C  Ind.  Dept.  1 

1  C  Ind.  Dept.  1 


Profs.  Single- 

ton  and  Tor- 

1  C  E.  Gram.  1 

ICE.  Gram.  2 

ICE.  Gram.  2 

2  C  Bible  1  &  2 

rence  Yz  hour 








Biddle  University. 

First  Class. 

John  Augustus  Allison. 
Thomas  Hampton  Brown.  . 

Clarence  Walker  Blair . 

Matthew  Cornelius  Brown. 

Jethro  Theo.  Carter . 

Edward  William  Carpenter 
John  Henry  Carpenter.  . .  . 
Offute  Delimus  Chambers.  . 

Henry  Eugene  Dunn . 

Thomas  Edward  Dixon 

Eouis  Zed  Duncan . 

Willie  Vestor  Evans . 

Robert  Dudley  Evans . 

John  Otto  Foster . 

Andrew  Clarence  Fox . 

John  Harmond  Glover . 

William  Hines . 

William  Andrew  Hoskins.  . , 
Samuel  Garland  Henderson 
Joseph  Frederick  Hicks.  . .  . 
George  Franklin  Johnson.  . . 

Samuel  Henry  Jones . 

Robert  William  Justice.  . .  . 
William  Edward  Kinsey... 
Erank  Benjamin  Keene. 
Frank  Thomas  Logan,  Jr..  . 
Henry  William  McNair.  : .  . 

John  Luther  Morris . 

George  Wallace  Nance . 

Robert  Nicholas  Owens.  . .  . 

William  Plair . 

George  Pharr . 

Robert  Gordon  Reed . 

David  Andrew  Rogers . 

Dudley  Richey . 

George  Edward  Sanders... 

. Statesville,  N.  C. 

. Camden,  S.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. Columbia,  S.  C. 

........  Cornelia,  Ga. 

. Madison,  Ga. 

. Madison,  Ga. 

. Asheville,  N.  C. 

. Kinston,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Heaths  Springs,  S.  C. 

. Gibson,  N.  C. 

....  Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

. Anderson,  S.  C. 

. Sandifer,  S.  C. 

. Beaufort,  S.  C. 

. Wilson,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Danville,  Va. 

. Columbia,  S.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Sumter,  S.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. Aberdeen,  N.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. Yorkville,  S.  C. 

. Milton,  N.  C. 

. Luke,  S.  C. 

. . .  .Biddleville,  N.  C. 

. .  .Chattanooga,  Tenn. 

. Darien,  Ga. 

. Greenville,  S.  C. 

. . .  .Biddle  University. 


Iti  lliWMIpl 



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Biddle  University. 


George  Cavines  Strong . 

Thomas  Gaillard  Sullivan . 

John  William  Shuford . 

Carl  Datcher  Smith . 

Arthur  Smithe  Scott . 

Edward  Harry  Tyson . 

John  Wesley  Talley . 

James  Weatherly  White . 

Joseph  Cyrus  White . 

Hercules  Wilson,  Jr . 

James  Washington  Wall . 


. Matrimony,  N.  C. 

Tumbling  Shoals,  S.  C. 

. Crouse,  N.  C. 

. Anderson,  S.  C. 

. Wilmington,  N.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Cheraw,  S.  C. 

. Dillon,  SS.  C. 

. Rockhill,  S.  C. 

. Dairen,  Ga. 

. Chesterfield,  S.  C. 


Andrew  Wilson  Alexander. . . 

General  Adams . 

Henry  Richard  Alexander. . . . 
James  Washington  Alexander. 

John  Leroy  Alexander . 

David  Graham  Byers . 

Samuel  Bassell . 

William  Frederick  Baker . 

John  Bratton . 

John  David  Blake . 

Frederick  Augustus  Bird . 

Thomas  Henry  Crosby . 

Rollin  Julius  Cain . 

James  Alfred  Carr . . 

Willie  HeHnry  Allen  Creswell 
Charles  Baxter  Dusenbery. . .  . 

James  Glarcus  Duck . 

Adolphus  Davidson . 

John  Shedd  Davidson . 

Elmer  James  Donnell . 

Samuel  Adam  Fulsom . 

John  Forney . 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Prosperity,  S.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 

. Davidson,  N.  C. 

. Camden,  N.  J. 

....  Grahamville,  S.  C. 

. . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

.  McConnellsville,  S.  C. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Chester,  S.  C. 

. Mayesville,  S.  C. 

. Ethel,  Miss. 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

. Lexington,  N.  C. 

. Graham,  N.  C. 

Chadwick  Mills,  N.  C. 
Chadwick  Mills,  N.  C. 

.  . .  .Greensboro,  N.  C. 

. Valliant,  I.  T. 

. Concord,  N.  C. 


Biddle  University. 

James  Trenton  Osco  Hamilton . Monroe,  N.  C. 

Walter  Goodwin . Bennettsville,  S.  C. 

Russell  James  Holley . Woodard,  S.  C. 

Joseph  Brown  Hunley . Thomas,  Ala. 

William  Hardy . . Huntersville,  N.  C. 

William  Mitchell  Houseworth . Newnan,  Ga. 

Erastus  Hairston . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

Albion  James . Brogdon,  S.  C. 

Thomas  Harrison  Jackson . . Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

Garfield  Arthur  Jackson . Newbern,  N.  C. 

John  Henry  Jackson . Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

William  Albion  Jackson . Croft,  N.  C. 

James  Henry  Knotts . Monroe,  N.  C. 

John  William  Forcie  Kittle . McFarlan,  N.  C. 

Charles  Lyttle . Huntersville,  N.  C. 

Harry  Gibson  Leak . Dar.eni  Ga. 

Edward  Mitchell . Birmingham,  Ala. 

William  Mack . Columbia,  Tenn. 

John  Bryant  McKoy . Sumter,  S.  C. 

Scott  Anderson  Moir . . Ridgeway,  Va. 

Henry  Alexander  Mikell . Anderson,  S.  C. 

William  Foster  Newsome . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Edward  Outler . Kinston,  N.  C. 

David  Osborne . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Henry  Polk,  Jr . . .  Columbia,  Tenn. 

Ernest  Patton . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Willie  Alphius  Pitchford . Jetersville,  Va. 

John  Lester  Pratt . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Hermon  Cowan  Phifer . Cleveland,  N.  C. 

James  William  Relay  Rae . Matthews,  N.  C. 

Wyatt  Thomas  Robinson . Pee  Dee,  N.  C. 

Byrd  Smith . Petersburg,  Va. 

George  Shoals . Valliant,  I.  T. 

Richard  Benjamin  Strong . Blackstock,  S.  C. 

Albertus  Spencer . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Charles  Singletary . Mayesville,  S.  C. 

Calvin  Shuford . Crouse,  N.  C. 

Biddle  University. 


Egbert  Theophilus  Scott . 

Henry  Martin  VanBuren . . 

Charles  Wall . . 

Amos  Wellmon . 

Henry  Monroe  Williams . 

Christopher  Columbus  Washington 

Isam  Elijah  Wilson . 

Richard  A.  Bankfield . 

.  J.  B.  Taylor . 


.  .  .  .Wilmington,  N.  C. 

. Sumter,  S.  C. 

. Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

King’s  Mountain,  N.  C. 

. Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

. Union,  S.  C. 

. Macon,  Ga. 

. Beaufort,  S.  C. 

. Anderson,  S.  C. 


Total,  116.  Grand  total,  239. 



Rev.  D.  J.  Sanders,  D.  D., 

Bible  Morality. 

ProE.  P.  W.  Russeee,  A.  M., 

Proe.  J.  D.  Martin,  A.  M., 

Proe.  P.  G.  Drayton,  A.  M., 
English  Grammar  and  Reading. 

Proe.  George  E.  Davis,  Ph.  D., 
Physiology  and  Hygiene. 

Proe.  Yorke  Jones,  D.  D., 

Proe.  W.  T.  Singleton,  A.  B., 
Geography  and  Spelling. 

Design  of  the  School. 

This  school  is  especially  designed  to  benefit  persons  who  are 
engaged  in  teaching,  and  others  desiring  the  best  preparation 
for  that  profession.  It  is  open  to  males  and  females. 

Terms  of  Admission. 

Any  person  of  either  sex,  14  years  of  age  and  possessing  a 
good  moral  character  may  become  a  member  of  the  School. 

There  is  a  contingent  fee  of  50  cents  for  the  term,  which  is 
required  to  be  paid  on  entering.  The  tuition  is  free.  Good 
board  and  lodging  can  be  had  at  the  rate  of  from  $2.00  to  $2.50 
per  week. 

Biddies  University. 


Schodule  of  Lectures. 

A.  M. 

























































P  M. 

2:30—3  30 







Gramm  ar 














Civil  Govn’t 

Civil  Gov’nt 

There  are  lectures  also  on  Pedagogy,  Domestic  Economy, 
Gardening,  Farming,  etc.,  that  teachers  may  become  helpful 
in  these  respects  where  they  are  called  to  labor. 

Roll  of  Attendance. 

Mary  E.  Arthur . Charlotte. 

J anie  Adams . Charlotte. 

A.  T.  Adams . Biddleville. 

Hattie  E.  Bowers . Charlotte. 

Eliza  Beaty . Charlotte. 

Mary  E.  Brown . Charlotte 

Emma  P.  Beaty . Charlotte 

Euaco  Jackson  . Charlotte. 

W.  C.  Hargrave . Charlotte. 

Z.  A.  White . Sardis. 

Oliva  W.  Edawrds  . .Charlotte 

V.  MacPherson  . Bidddleville 

Bessie  L.  Eixon . Charlotte 


Biddle  University. 

Serrata  Spann  . Charlotte 

Jessie  B.  Saville  . Charlotte 

Sadie  R.  Washington . Charlotte 

Mary  E.  Morrow  . Charlotte 

Lizzie  J.  Miller  . Charlote 

Elizabeth  Weeks  . Charlotte 

Jennie  Wilson  . Charlotte 

Susie  Grigg . Biddleille 

Celestine  Noisette  . Charlotte 

Nellie  Kendle  . Charlotte 

Hazeline  North  . Charlotte 

Cora  H.  Lineberger . Charlotte 

Mary  M.  Trapp . Dilworth 

S.  J.  Thompson . Charlotte 

Rosa  L.  Coles  . Charlotte 

Dora  S.  Davis . Biddleville 

Sarah  C.  Johnson . Biddleville 

Hattie  M.  Alexander . Biddleville 

Hattie  P.  Neal . Charlotte 

Agnes  K.  Jones . Charlotte 

Amanda  E.  Burghead  . Charlotte 

Mamie  S.  Scott . Charlotte 

Laura  S.  MacBeth  . Charlotte 

Mary  E.  Stitt . Charlotte 

Minnie  S.  A.  Bonner . Charlotte 

Willie  Bowers  . Charlotte 

Samuel  L.  Fullwood  . Biddleville 

Alonzo  Spaulding  . Biddleville 

Sallie  MacKneely  . Bidddleville 

Montrose  Halle  . Charlotte 

Meta  B.  Johnson . Charlotte 

Mary  J.  Boulware . Charlotte 

Lula  T.  Singleton . Biddleville 

Bertha  Blake  . Charlotte 

L.  A.  Little . Cornelius 

Susie  L.  Fox . Sandifer 

Hansome  A.  Fox  . Charlotte 

Biddle  University. 


Junius  Fox  . 

A.  W.  Davis  . 

Della  L.  Young . 

Francis  K.  Banks  .... 

Johnsie  Carson  . 

Alberta  Sanders . 

Zander  A.  Dockery  .  .  . 

J.  W.  Johnson . 

Eleanoir  Dixeon  . 

Eva  L.  Matthews 

Connei  Harry  . 

Emma  E.  Morrow  .... 
M.  Eouise  Barber 

Dora  B.  Jordan . 

Pinkie  Reed  . 

Malevia  Dye  . 

J.  E.  Eittle  . 

Mamie  D.  McCullough 

Vancie  White . 

Mamie  E.  Wallace  .  . . 

Mary  E.  French . 

Mary  E.  Tieman . 

Enna  E.  Eyttle . 

Minnie  J.  Sanford 

Sadie  B.  Lyttle . 

Vancie  V.  Russell 

Carrie  E.  Gaston . 

Ferman  S.  Brodie  .... 
Arthur  H.  Beatty 

A.  M.  Hall  . 

Dollie  Young  . 

Lizzie  Spears  . 

Susie  Bullock  . 

W.  H.  Hairston  ..... 

Bessie  Johnson  . 

J.  A.  Davis . 

Mamie  Morrow  . 

. Charlotte 

. Pineville 

. . Biddleville 

. Charlotte 

. Biddleville 

Biddle  ETniversity 

. Biddleville 

. Davidson 

. Charlotte 

. Huntersville 

. Sandifer 

. Charlotte 

. Charlote 

. Bidddleville 

. Charlotte 

. Charlotte 

. Huntersville 

. Charlotte 

. Sardis 

. Burdett 

. Charlotte 

. Charlotte 

. Huntersville 

. Charlotte 

. Huntersville 

. Sardis 

. Huntersville 

. Davidson 

. Huntersville 

. Charlotte 

. Biddleville 

. Charlotte 

. Charlotte 

. Biddleville 

. Charlotte 

. Charlotte 

. Charlotte 


Biddle  University. 

Hattie  E.  Campbell 
S.  S.  Pearson  .... 
Roberta  Kinsey  . . . 
Jessie  M.  Pride  .  . . 
Rebecca  Neal  .... 

Mary  Tinnon . 

C.  E.  Graham . 

Bulah  Pickenback  . 
Patsy  B.  Harrison  . 
Maggie  O.  Maxwell 
J.  B.  Gabdriel  .... 

A.  E.  Brown . 

Eliza  Hill . 

M.  G.  Morrow  .  . . 
Lizzie  Warner  .... 
S.  G.  Taylor 

I.  D.  L.  Torrence  . 

C.  L.  Buers . 

J.  L.  Phelps . 

Estelle  Grigg  . 

Willie  Massey  .... 

Total,  108. 

.  ..Biddleville 
....  Charlotte 
....  Charlotte 
. . .  Biddleville 
....  Charlotte 
. .  * .  Charlotte 
....  Charlotte 
....  Charlotte 

. Madge 

Pioneer  Mills 
....  Charlotte 
....  Charlotte 
....  Charlotte 
. . .  .  Charlotte 
....  Charlotte 
....  Pineville 
.  Huntersville 
.  .  Bidddleville 
.Augusta,  Ga. 
. .  .Biddleville 
....  Charlotte 






J.  A.  Brown,  Assistant  Superintendent. 

All  the  students  in  the  Preparatory  Course  are  required  to 
take  some  trade,  and  report  every  day  for  work  in  the  Indus¬ 
trial  School. 

At  present  six  trades  are  being  taught — Carpentering,  Print¬ 
ing,  Bricklaying,  Plastering,  Tayloring,  Tailoring,  and  Shoe¬ 
making.  Each  student  is  allowed  to  have  his  choice  of  trades 
being  taught,  but  no  change  will  be  allowed  after  the  change 
is  once  made.  One-fourth  of  the  time  in  recitation  hours  is 
devoted  to  industrial  training. 

Wood  Work— J.  A.  Brown. 

Crapentry  and  Joining  are  taught  in  a  room  provided  with 
twelve  cabinet  benches,  each  of  which  is  fitted  up  with  a  set  of 
carpenter’s  tools. 

Students  are  taught  the  use  and  care  of  these  tools,  the  prin¬ 
ciples  of  wood  working — from  drawings  and  models — and 
have  also  such  practical  instruction  as  can  be  had  from  im¬ 
provements  and  repairs  of  the  building's  and  furniture  of  the 

Besides  doing  the  necessary  work  for  the  school  a  limited 
amount  of  work  is  done  for  outside  parties.  Two  professors’ 
houses  have  been  built  by  the  students,  also  a  boiler  house ;  and 
extensive  repairs  have  been  on  other  buildings. 

Printing  Office— William  E.  Hill,  Foreman. 

This  office  is  equipped  as  any  regular  printing  establishment 
would  be.  Besides  the  ordinary  office  furniture,  it  has  three 
printing  presses. 

In  this  office  the  Afro-American  Presbyterian  and  the  Biddle 
University  Record  are  set  up  and  printed,  and  job  work  is  done, 
thus  giving  the  students  actual  printing  office  instruction  and 
practice,  both  in  typesetting  and  presswork.  The  office  is 
equipped  for  doing  excellent  work,  and  the  instruction  is  thor¬ 
ough  and  practical. 


Biddle  University. 

The  Shoe  Shop. 

The  shoe  shop  is  fitted  up  with  twelve  shoemakers  benches, 
each  of  which  is  provided  with  a  set  of  tools.  Students  are 
taught  the  use  and  care  of  the  tools,  and  such  as  is  done  in 
a  regular  shoe  shop — sewing,  pegging  nailing,  cementing, 
patching,  half-soling,  fitting,  lasting  and  putting  together  of 
new  work.  By  doing  work  for  the  students  and  professors, 
ample  opportunity  is  given  for  making  this  branch  of  work 
thoroughly  practical. 

Masonry  and  Plastering— J.  E.  Montague. 

These  two  trades  have  been  introduced,  and  instructed  in 
them  is  being  given  daily  with  very  satisfactory  results.  These 
branches  are  putting  a  goodly  number  in  possession  of  skill 
that  will  command  work  and  good  pay. 

It  is  proposed  to  further  enlarge  this  department  by  adding 
Blacbsmithing ;  also  to  organize  a  branch  of  agriculture. 


The  room  for  this  branch  of  industry  is  provided  with  all 
necessary  facilities  for  teaching  and  learning  this  important 
trade.  Cleaning,  pressing,  hand  and  machine  sewing,  repair¬ 
ing  and  making  new  werk  are  done,  and  the  various  elementary 
principles  of  the  trade  are  taught.  The  advanced  students  are 

taught  cutting  and  fitting. 

Number  of  Students  in  Carpentry .  18 

Number  of  Students  in  Printing .  19 

Number  of  Students  in  Shoemaking .  24 

Number  of  Students  in  Brickwork .  19 

Number  of  Students  in  Plastering .  14 

Number  of  Students  in  Tailoring .  18 

Number  of  Students  in  Talioring .  12 

Number  of  Students  in  Harness  Making .  3 




School  of  Theology. 

Senior  Class .  3 

Middle  Class .  8 

Junior  Class  .  7  18 

School  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

Senior  Class  .  15 

Junior  Class  .  29 

Sophomore  Class  . . .  29 

Freshman  Class . . .  a .  33  106 

The  Preparatory  and  Normal  School. 

First  Class  . \ .  47 

Second  Class  .  67  114 

The  School  of  Industries. 

In  the  Seven  Trades . ‘ .  .  114 

Summer  School. 

Under  Seven  Instructors .  108 


Counted  Twice  . . 

Total  Enrollment 



Biddle  University. 


For  the  present  the  Battalion  consists  of  two  Companies,  “A” 
and  “B  ” 

Battalion  Officers. 

Major  W  T.  Singleton . Commandant. 

S.  S.  Morton . Adjutant. 

. Sergeant  Major. 

J.  D.  Carr  and  F.  A  Brown . .  .Drummers 


Company  “A”  consists  of  the  students  of  the  School  of  Arts 
and  Sciences. 

Company  “B”  consists  of  the  students  of  the  Normal  and 
Preparatory  School. 

Company  Officers. 


J.  E.  Jackson  . 
L.  C.  Lawrence 
H.  B.  Taylor. . . 
G.  W.  Franklin 
T.  B.  Davis.  . . 
E.  R.  Dudley. . 
A.  T.  Gaines. . 
W.  L.  Brean  .  . 

. Captain 

.First  Lleutentant 
Second  Lieutenant 
.  .  .  First  Sergeant 
. Second  Sergeant 
.  .  .Third  Sergeant 
.Fourth  Sergeant 
. .  .  Fifth  Sergeant 


C.  P.  Pitchford . 

F.  E.  Bryant . 

W.  G.  Capel . 

'  Vanderbilt  Brown . 

John  Robinson . 

Clarence  Dillard,  Jr . 

. Captain 

.  .First  Lieutenant 
Second  Lieutenant 
.  .  .  .First  Sergeant 
. Second  Sergeant 
.  .  .  Third  Sergeant 

Biddle;  University. 


S.  M.  Mitchell . Fourth  Sergeant 

J.  B.  Russell . Fifth  Sergeant 


Drills  and  Parades. 

As  far  as  practicable,  for  drills  and  parades  the  United  States 
Army  regulations  will  be  observed. 

Battalion  drill  and  dress  parade  every  Friday  afternoon  at 
5  o’clock. 

Company  “A,”  drill  at  8:10  a.  m.,  daily  except  Sunday. 

Company  “B,”  drill  at  1 130  p.  m.,  daily,  except  Sunday. 

General  Inspection  Sunday  at  8:10  a.  m. 

All  students  except  those  in  the  School  of  Theology  and 
those  in  the  Summer  School,  are  required  to  wear  the  Cadet 
'Uniform,  which  is  furnished  at  the  the  University  at  a  cost  of 
$10.50.  The  uniform  is  required  to  be  worn  at  all  times,  ex¬ 
cept  when  the  students  are  at  work. 


W.  H.  Stinson— Superintendent. 

This  department  includes  the  orderly  keeping  of  the  grounds, 
the  supervision  of  the  dormitories  and  public  buildings,  and 
all  that  pertains  to  the  immediate  management  of  the  students 
as  to  board  and  home  life. 

The  Superintendent  and  his  family  live  among  the  students 
and  give  to  them  such  care  and  attention  as  they  would  receive 
in  a  well  organized  Christian  home. 

Except  the  day  students  all  are  required  to  live  in  this  de¬ 

The  cost  of  living  is  eight  ($8.00)  dollars  per  month,  payable 
two  months  in  advance,  which  includes  boarding,  furnished 
rooms,  light,  fuel  and  washing,  except  wearing  apparel.  This 
can  be  had  at  one  dollar  per  month. 

Boarders  are  not  received  for  less  than  one  month,  and 
no  deduction  can  be  made  for  absence,  unless  ordered  by  the 


In  connection  with  the  business  department,  J.  R.  Kirk¬ 
patrick  is  Bookkeeper  and  Confidential  Secretary  to  the  Presi¬ 
dent.  He  also  gives  instruction  in  Stenography,  Typewriting 
and  Bookkeeping. 




The  School  Year  consists  of  one  session  of  two  terms,  com¬ 
mencing  on  Saturday  at  io  a.  m.,  before  the  third  Monday  in 
September,  and  closing  on  the  second  Wednesday  of  June. 
Students  wishing  to  enter 'should  make  early  application.  The 
best  interests  of  the  Institution  and  of  the  students  require 
that  he  report  himself  for  duty  promptly  at  the  opening  of 
each  term. 


There  is  no  charge  for  tuition,  except  in  the  case  of  local 
students,  who  are  charged  $2.50  per  month. 

Literary  Societies. 

There  are  four  flourishing  Literary  Societies — the  Mattoon, 
the  Clariosophic,  the  Johnson  and  the  Douglass.  The  exer¬ 
cises  consist  of  composition  discussion  and  debate,  and  there  is 
a  School  City  connected  with  them.  These  societies  are  gov¬ 
erned  by  laws  enacted  by  themselves,  and  their  officers  are  also 
elected  by  themselves.  The  students  are  required  each  to 
become  a  member  of  one  of  these  societies  and  to  attend  upon 
the  exercises.  The  whole  is  under  the  supervision  of  the 

The  Library  and  Reading  Room. 

A  large  airy  room  on  the  first  floor  of  the  main  building  has 
been  set  apart  as  a  Library  and  a  similar  one  on  the  third 
floor  as  a  Reading  Room. 

The  former  contains  about  12,800  volumes  of  commentaries 
and  religious  literature,  and  also  a  variety  of  the  works  of 
standard  authors.  About  300  volumes  and  60  pamphlets  have 
been  added  during  the  year. 


Biddle  University. 

The  latter  is  supplied  with  many  of  the  best  religious  and 
secular  weekly  and  daily  papers. 

The  students  have  daily  access  to  the  Library  and  Reading 
Room,  under  special  regulations. 

College  Y.  fl.  C.  A. 

A  College  branch  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  is  in  successful  opera¬ 
tion,  with  a  membership  of  over  ioo.  It  is  earnestly  desired 
that  all  the  students  identify  themselves  with  this  noble  work. 

Pecuniary  Aid. 

Candidates  for  ministry  and  young  men  of  promise  will  re¬ 
ceive  such  aid  as  their  necessities  and  the  resources  at  command 
will  allow.  Friends  in  Scotland  have  established  a  fund  of 
$6,000,  the  interest  of  which  is  to  be  used  to  aid  young  men 
preparing  for  mission  work  in  Africa. 

Should  any  beneficiary  of  these  funds  marry  before  com¬ 
pleting  this  course  of  study,  thereupon  his  aid  will  be  forfeited, 
nor  will  any  one  be  aided  who  uses  tobacco  in  any  form. 

Location  and  Design  in  the  Establishment  of  the  Institution. 

The  University  is  located  at  Charlotte,  North  Carolina,  and 
is  named  in  memory  of  the  late  Major  Henry  J.  Biddle,  of 
Philadelphia,  whose  widow,  Mrs.  M.  D.  Biddle,  was  one  of  its 
most  liberal  supporters.  It  is  chartered  by  the  Legislature  of 
the  State,  and  is  under  the  auspices  of  the  Presbyterian  Church 
in  U.  S.  A. 

The  object  of  the  Institution  is  the  education  of  colored 
teachers,  preachers  and  leaders  for  their  race  in  other  walks 
of  life. 

It  stands  at  the  radiating  point  of  seven  railroads  in  the 
midst  of  a  dense  and  comparatively  intelligent  colored  popula¬ 
tion,  and  occupies  a  site  of  seventy  acres  in  the  suburbs  of 
the  city 

It  is  situated  in  the  heart  of  the  South  Atlantic  region,  which 
contains  the  two  synods  of  Atlantic  and  Catawba,  having  356 
colored  churches,  221  ministers,  scores  of  young  men  in  prepa- 

Biddre  University. 


ration  for  the  ministry,  with  a  large  number  of  schools  and 
acadimies  under  their  care.  These  schools  and  churches  must 
be  furnished  with  intelligent  Christian  teachers  and  preachers, 
who  must  be  largely  educated  on  the  field,  and  in  contact  with 
the  people  among  whom  they  are  to  labor.  Such  a  training  is 
given  here  at  less  expense  than  it  could  be  elsewhere ;  the 
student  has  the  best  opportunity  for  a  Christian  education  to¬ 
gether  with  the  refining  influences  of  a  Christian  home,  and  he 
is  kept  at  the  same  time  in  contact  and  sympathy  with  the 

Scholarships  and  Regulations  Pretaining  Thereto. 

In  order  to  hold  any  scholarship  in  Biddle  University,  it  is 
necessary  that  the  student  be  in  attendance  throughout  the 
scholastic  year,  unless  excused  by  the  proper  authority,  and  a 
scholarship  may  be  forfeited  by  any  violation  of  the  regulations 
for  the  government  of  the  students. 

Under  no  circumstances  whatever  will  more  than  one  schol¬ 
arship,  at  the  disposal  of  the  University,  be  available  for  a 
student  at  any  one  time.  z 

Scholarships  shall  be  classified  as  follows : 


No.  i.  $76.00  Annually  for  Three  Years. 

No.  2.  $76.00  Annually  for  Two  Years. 

No.  3.  $76.00  Annually  for  One  Year. 

CRASS  b. 

No.  1.  $85.00.  Seniors  in  the  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

No.  2.  $86.00.  Juniors  in  the  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

No.  3.  $52.00.  Sophomores  in  the  School  of  Arts  and 

crass  c. 

.  .  Supplementary  support,  varying  according  to  actual  needs 
determined  in  each  case  by  the  Faculty. 


Biddle  University. 

class  D. 

These  Scholarships  are  drawn  from  the  “African  Scholar¬ 
ship  Fund,”  and  are  subject  to  the  recommendation  of  the 
Faculty,  solely  for  the  support  of  candidates  for  missionary 
work  in  Africa. 

Scholarships  in  Class  “A”  are  open  to  candidates  for  Fresh¬ 
man  Class  who  attain  a  general  average  of  90  per  cent,  with¬ 
out  conditions,  which  must  be  sustained  or  the  scholarship  will 
be  forfeited. 

Scholarships  in  Class  “B”  are  open  to  Seniors,  Juniors  and 
Sophomore’s  who  attain  a  general  average  of  90  per  cent.,  with¬ 
out  conditions  which  must  be  sustained  or  the  scholarship  will 
be  forfeited. 

Regulations  Pertaining  to  Degrees. 

All  degrees  are  confered  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  on  recom¬ 
mendation  of  the  Faculty. 


1.  On  completing  the  regularly  prescribed  Classical  Course 

each  candidate  may  receive  the  degree  o  fA.  B. 


2.  On  completing  the  regularly  prescribed  Scientific  Course, 
each  candidate  may  receive  the  degree  of  B.  S. 

3.  On  completing  the  regularly  prescribed  course  in  the 
Scool  of  Theology,  with  a  general  average  of  90  per  cent., 
each  candidate  may  receive  the  degree  of  S.  T.  B. 

4.  It  being  inexpedient,  Biddle  University  will  not  grant  the 
degree  shall  be  openly  avowed  and  publicly  stated  in  connec¬ 
tion  with  the  commencement  program. 

5.  That  in  every  case  the  reason  for  bestowing  an  honorary 
degree  shall  be  openly  avowed  and  publicly  stated  in  the  com¬ 
mencement  programme. 

Biddle;  University. 


6.  The  Master's  degree  will  not  be  granted  except  for  post¬ 
graduate  study  of  at  least  one  year’s  duration,  tested  by  ade¬ 
quate  examination  in  the  prescribed  course. 

7.  The  minimum  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of 
Philosophy,  Doctor  of  Science,  and  Doctor  of  Pedagogy  shall 
be  as  follows : 

(a)  The  previous  attainment  of  a  Bachelor’s  degree,  or  its 

( b )  The  completion  of  two  years  of  post-graduate  study,  not 
more  than  one  year,  however,  of  actual  residence  in  the  Institu¬ 
tion  shall  be  required,  but  that  must  be  the  final  year.  Matter 
of  residence  may  be  waved. 

(c)  Adequate  examination — one  at  the  close  of  each  schol¬ 
astic  year,  and  a  thesis  embodying  the  results  of  original  re¬ 
search  at  the  close  of  the  second  year,  the  thesis  to  bear  the 
written  acceptance  of  the  professor  in  charge  of  the  major 
subject,  accompanied  by  a  short  biography  of  the  candidate. 

The  following  shall  be  recognized  as  honorary  degrees :  D. 
D.,  LL.  D.,  and  Master  of  Pedagogy. 

Prizes  Offered. 

The  McCrorey  Prise  of  Five  Dollars  in  Gold  to  the  mem¬ 
ber  of  the  Junior  Theological  Class  making  90  per  cent,  for 
the  year  in  Hebrew,  and  in  the  event  of  more  than  one  member 
of  the  class  exceeding  90  per  cent,  then  the  one  approaching 
nearest  to  95  per  cent,  will  be  entitled  to  the  prize.  This  prize 
is  offered  by  Rev.  H.  L.  McCrorey,  D.  D. 

The  Junior  Prise  is  a  Gold  Medal  offered  for  superior  excel- 
lenence  in  Oratory,  by  the  Alumni  Association,  open  to  the 
members  of  the  Junior  Class  appointed  by  the  Faculty. 

The  /.  H.  Gilmer  Prise  is  a  copy  of  Smith’s  Bible  Dictionary 
to  the  student  in  the  Normal  and  Preparatory  School  attaining 
the  highest  grade  in  the  English  Bible  studies.  This  prize  is 
offered  by  Rev.  J.  H.  Gilmer,  of  Virginia. 


Biddle  University. 

The  Geo.  H.  White  Prize  of  Five  Dollars  in  Gold  is  open  to 
members  of  the  First  Class,  Normal  and  Preparatory  School 
and  is  awarded  to  the  one  ranking  highest  in  English  composi¬ 
tion.  This  prize  is  sustained  to  the  Hon.  Geo.  H.  White,  of 
Washington,  D.  C. 

The  Blue  Banner. — This  beautiful  banner  is  contested  for 
by  all  the  students  of  the  University,  on  the  Sabbath  morning 
immediately  preceding  Commencement  Day.  The  student  who 
sustains  himself  longest  in  answering  accurately  the  questions 
in  the  Shorter  Catechism  is  awarded  this  Banner,  which  is  held 
for  his  Class  until  the  next  annual  contest. 

Degrees  Conferred 

D.  D.,  upon  Rev.  B.  L.  Glenn,  Newnan,  Ga. 

D.  D.,  upon  Rev.  S.  F.  Wentz,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

Master  of  Pedagogy,  upon  Miss  Lucy  Raney,  Principal 
Haines  Institute,  Augusta,  Ga. 

A.  M.,  in  course,  upon  members  of  the  Class  of  1895,  as 
follows:  J.  E.  Harris,  J.  P.  Harrison,  Rev.  A.  J.  Jefferson, 
A.  P.  Johnson,  Rev.  W.  L.  Metz,  D.  E.  Speed,  Prof.  W.  H. 
Stinson,  Rev.  Guy  Wadsworth,  F.  H.  Watkins. 

The  following  were  awarded  the  degree  of  A.  B. : 

John  A.  Howard . 1  honor 

Cecil  D.  Yancey  . 2  honor 

Daniel  J.  Sanders,  Jr . 3  honor 

William  A.  Grigg . 4  honor 

Robert  W.  Boulware  . 5  honor 

Tinsley  A.  White  . 6  honor 

Edward.  J.  Cardwell,  Frank,  S.  M.  Giles,  James  L.  Hollo- 
well,  Virgil  McPherson,  John  L.  Phelps,  Allen  A.  Wilson, 
George  E.  Winstead. 

Biddle  University. 


The  degree  of  B.  S.,  to  the  following:  Wimbush  L.  Mac- 
Beth,  Arthur  R.  Moore,  Drayton  H.  Nance. 

Prizes  Won. 

The  McCrorey  Prize — C.  J.  Baker,  1902;  J.  G.  Walker,  1903. 
The  Gilmore  Prize,  H.  W.  McNair. 

The  White  Prize,  J.  G.  Gladden. 

Blue  Banner,  R.  L.  Smith. 

Junior  Prize,  C.  P.  Pitchford. 


1.  No  one  under  12  years  of  age  will  be  admitted  to  the 
school.  Applicants  who  are  strangers  to  the  Faculty  must 
bring  a  satisfactory  certificate  of  good  character  and  steady, 
industrious  habits.  Every  student,  by  his  enrollment,  contracts 
to  obey  the  regulations  of  the  University. 

2.  Students  are  at  all  times  expected  to  act  with  respect  and 
courtesy  toward  their  instructors  and  fellow  students,  and  ob¬ 
serve  cleanliness  and  neatness  in  person,  clothing  and  room. 

3.  All  students  are  required  to  attend  chapel  exercises,  morn¬ 
ing  Sabbath  School,  and  preachnig  service  Saturday  evening 
ing  Sabbath  School,  and  preaching  service  Sabbath  evenings. 
Day  students  are  excused  on  Saturdays. 

4.  In  order  to  preserve  health,  cultivate  manual  skill,  develop 
taste,  and  at  the  same  time  keep  the  buildings  in  order,  and  im¬ 
prove  and  beautify  the  grounds,  all  students  are  expected  to 

5.  Students  from  abroad  are  required  to  board  in  the  home 
unless  excused  by  the  Faculty ;  and  when  so  excused  shall  be 
regarded  as  day  scholars  and  shall  pay  $2.50  per  month. 
Board,  including  furnished  room,  light,  fuel  and  washing  of 
bed  clothes,  is  $8.00  per  calendar  month — payment  two  months 
in  advance.  Any  student,  who,  without  satisfactory  arrange¬ 
ment  shall  not  pay  within  ten  days  from  the  first  of  the 
month,  shall  forfeit  the  privileges  of  the  Institution. 

6.  Day  pupils  must  pay  their  dues,  $2.50,  at  the  beginning 
of  the  month,  and  while  on  the  grounds  be  subject  to  the  rules 
of  the  Institution. 

Biddle:  University. 


7.  Punctuality  and  diligence  in  regard  to  all  studies  and  ex¬ 
ercises  are  required. 

8.  During  the  time  set  apart  for  study,  students  will  remain 
in  their  rooms,  or  in  such  places  as  may  be  designated,  for 
study.  Talking,  loud  studying,  or  visiting  from  room  to  room 
during  study  hours,  and  boisterous,  rude  conduct  in  any  of  the 
buildings  at  any  time  are  prohibited.  All  students  are  ex¬ 
pected  to  be  in  their  rooms  and  quiet  between  10  p.  m.  and  6 
a.  m.  All  lights  out  at  10  p.  m. 

9.  Tow,  vulgar  or  profane  language,  the  use  of  ardent 
spirits,  wine  or  beer,  tobacco  in  any  form,  keeping  or  handling 
of  pistols,  and  all  games  of  chance,  are  prohibited. 

10.  Students  are  forbidden  to  mark  or  deface  in  any  way  the 
buildings  or  furniture,  or  to  throw  slops,  waste  water,  paper, 
or  anything  that  would  cause  a  nuisance  from  the  windows  or 
about  the  grounds.  Any  damage  done  by  wantonness  or  care¬ 
lessness  must  be  paid  for  by  the  person  doing  the  same. 

11.  Students  are  forbidden  to  entertain  other  students,  their 
friends  or  strangers  in  their  room  over  night.  Students  having 
friends  for  whom  they  desire  either  meals  or  lodging  will 
report  to  the  Superintendent. 

12:  The  students  are  forbidden  to  hold  any  public  meetings 
on  the  premises  of  the  University  for  any  purpose  whatever, 
without  special  permission  from  the  President. 

13.  The  students  are  forbidden  to  give  entertainments  of  any 
character  or  invite  guests  without  special  permission. 

14.  Students  are  allowed  to  attend  church  in  Charlotte  on 
the  Sabbath ;  but  no  one  will  be  permitted  to  leave  the  grounds 
at  other  times  without  special  permission. 

15.  A  monitor  shall  be  appionted  for  each  floor  or  building 
who  shall  report  any  neglect  or  disorder. 


Biddle  University. 

1 6.  Violations  of  the  rules  will  subject  the  offender  to  dis¬ 

17.  A  deposit  of  $1.00  on  entering  is  required  of  each  stu¬ 
dent  as  a  contingent  fund  to  pay  for  injury  to  furniture,  etc. 
It  will  be  returned  when  the  student  leaves  school,  or  such  part 
of  ti  as  may  not  be  used  to  pay  for  injury  done  by  him. 

Time  Table. 

6:00  A.  M. — Risieg  Bell. 

6:45  ‘  — Warning  Bell. 

7:00  “  — Breakfast. 

8:10  “  — Cadet  Drill. 

8:30  “  —Chapel  Warning  Bell. 

8:40  “  — Chapell  Bell. 

8:45  “  — Going— Doors  Closed. 

9:00  “  — First  Recitation.  Bell 

10:00  to  11:30 — Study  Period.  I  fifteen 
11:30  A.  M. — 2nd  Recitation,  j  minutes 
12:30  P.  M. — Close.  J  before. 

12:40  P.  M.— Dinner. 

1:30  to  2:00— Cadet  Drill. 

2:00  to  3:00 — Study  Period.  ]  Bell  4 

3:00  P.  M.— Gong — 1st.  Rec.  r  minutes 
4:00  “  — 2nd  Recitation.  J  before. 

5:00  “  —Cadet  Dress  Parade  Fri¬ 


6:00  “  —Supper 

7:00  “  —Study  Period  Bell. 

9:40  “  —Close  Study  Bell. 

10:00  “  —Lights  Out  Bell. 

Evening  Study  Hours. 

Monday . From  7:00  to  9:40  P.  M. 

Tuesday . From  7:00  to  9:40  P,  M. 

Wednesday . From  7:00  to  9:40  P.  M. 

Thursday . From  7:00  to  9:40  P.  M. 

Friday . From  7.00  to  9.40  P.  M. 

Saturday . From  9:00  to  9:40  P.  M. 


Sunday,  8:10  A.  M. 
Sunday,  8:30  A.  M. 
Sunday,  8:40  A.  M. 
Sunday,  8:45  A.  M. 

-Warning  S.  S.  Bell. 
-S.  S.  Bell. 


Sunday,  8:30  P.  M. 
Sunday,  8:50  P.  M. 
Sunday,  8:00  P.  M. 

Ch.  Warning  Bell. 
-Church  Bell. 
Church  Gong. 

Tuesday,  6:30  P.  M. — Students’  Prayer  Meeting. 
Thursday,  6:30  P.  M.— Y.  M.  C.  A.  Meeting. 
Friday,  7:00  to  10:00  P.  M.— -Societies. 

Saturday,  7:00  to  8:00  P.  M. — Conference  and  Prayer. 

Each  student  on  entering  the  University  is  required  to  sign 
the  following : 

If  A.  B.,  now  entering  Biddle  University  as  a  student ,  do 
solemnly  promise  to  obey  all  the  rules  and  regulations  for 
the  government  of  students,  as  long  as  I  remain  a  member 4 

( Signed ) 

4.  B. 



•  i  * 

Friday,  June  3d,  8:30  p.  m.  Normal  and  Preparatory  closing 
exercises,  and  awarding  certificates.  Annual  Address  by 
Prof.  A.  Robertson,  A.  B.,  A.  &  M.  College,  Orange¬ 
burg,  S.  C. 

Sunday,  June  5th,  8:30  a.  m.  Annual  Shorter  Catechism 
Contest.  11  a.  m.,  Baccalaurate  sermon,  by  Rev.  S.  F. 
Glass,  D.  D.,  Allegheny,  Pa.  Annual  Sermon  before 
the  University  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  by  Rev.  S.  F.  Wentz,  D.  D., 
Statesville  N.  C. 

Monday,  June  6th,  8:30  p.  m.  Junior  Prize  Contest. 

Tuesday,  June  9th,  10:30  a.  m.,  Annual  Class  Day  Exercises, 
8 130  p.  m.,  Annual  Address  before  the  Alumni,  Rev.  J. 
A.  Rollins,  A.  B.,  Monroe,  N.  C. 

Wednesday,  June  8th.  Commencement  Exercises.  10  a.  m., 
Adresses  by  representatives  of  the  graduating  class  of  the 
School  of  Theology.  Awarding  Diplomas  and  Certifi¬ 
cates.  11:30  a.  m.,  The  Annual  Commencement  Address 
by  Rev.  D.  H.  Hardin,  Pastor  Second  Presbyterian 
Church,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

2 :30  p.  m.,  Addresses  by  representatives  of  the  gradu¬ 
ating  class  of  the  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences.  Awarding 
Diplomas  and  announcing  degrees. 

Friday,  September  16th,  3  p.  m.  Examniation  of  applicants 
for  admission  begins. 

Saturday,  September  17th,.  First  Term  begins.  First  Term 
Examination  begin  December  15th. 

Christmas  Holiday  Vacation,  December  23d  to  January  3d. 


Biddle  University. 


January  3rd  at  8:45.  a.  m.  Second  Term  begins. 

Tast  Thursday  of  January,  Day  of  Prayer  for  Collgess. 

Last  Friday  of  February,  Joint  Exhibition  of  the  Literary 
Societies  of  the  Normal  and  Preparatory  Schools. 

Last  Friday  of  March.  Joint  Exhibition  of  the  Literary  So- 
cities  of  the  School  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

Second  Term  Examination  begins  May  24th. 

Second  Wednesday  of  June.  Commencement. 


1.  Thanksgiving  Day. 

2.  Emancipation  Day. 

3.  Lincoln’s  Birthday. 

4.  Washington’s  Birthday. 

5.  Easter  Monday. 

6.  National  Memorial  Day. 

Numbers  1,  3,  4  and  6  are  not  holidays  in  the  ordinary  ac¬ 
ceptation  of  the  term,  but  rather  they  are  devoted  to  special 
educative  exercises  appropriate  to  each  day. 


Affiliated  Schools  of  Biddle  University. 

Harbison  College,  Abbeville,  S.  C. 

Faculty,  1903 — 1904. 

President — Rev.  Thomas  H.  Amos,  A.  M.,  D.  D. 

Prof.  G.  B.  Johnson,  A.  B. 

Prof.  L.  L.  Spaulding,  A.  B. 

Prof.  R.  W.  Boulware,  A.  B. 

Mrs.  T.  H.  Amos. 

Mrs.  A.  W.  Johnson. 

Mrs.  M.  L.  Sanford. 

Miss  Ora  M.  Pettiford. 

Miss  Clara  Richie. 

Rev.  E.  J.  Gregg. 

Total  enrollment  of  students  for  the  present  school  year,  350 
Scholarship  for  seven  months,  $25.00. 

Immanual  Training  and  High  School,  Aiken,  S.  C. 

Faculty,  1903 — 1904. 

Principal — Rev.  W.  R.  Coles,  D.  D. 

W.  R.  Coles,  Jr.,  A.  B.,  Ass’t.  Principal. 

Prof.  A.  P.  Denny,  A.  M. 

Rev.  J.  R.  Pearson,  A.  B. 

Mrs.  M.  L.  Holley. 

Miss  O.  C.  Shelton. 

Miss  Mamie  A.  Coles, 

Teacher  Sewing  Department  and  Instrumental  Music. 

Mrs.  W.  C.  Coles. 


Enrollment,  206. 


Biddle  University. 

Dayton  Academy,  Carthage,  N.  C. 

Faculty,  1903 — 1904. 
Principal — Rev.  Henry  D.  Wood,  D.  D. 

Mrs.  A.  M.  Wood. 

Mrs.  M.  L.  Tyson. 

Miss  N.  K.  Headen. 

Number  of  students  for  the  present  year,  190. 

Brainerd  Institute,  Chester,  5.  C. 
Faculty,  1903 — 1904. 

High  School  and  Normal  Department. 

Principal — Jno  .S.  Marquis,  A.  M. 

Mrs.  Jno.  S.  Marquis,  Assist.  Principal. 
Miss  Julia  Schauble. 

Grammar  School  Department. 

Joseph  W.  Harper. 

Miss  Wilda  Bell. 

Miss  Mabel  Hinkelwood. 

Industrial  Department. 

Jno.  S.  Marquis, 

Mrs.  John  Marquis, 


Miss  Laura  DeBardeleben, 
Superintendent  in  Sewing-. 

Number  of  students,  187. 

Biddle  University. 


Mary  Potter  flemorial  School,  Oxford,  N.  C. 

Faculty,  1903 — 1904. 

Rev.  G.  C.  Shaw,  D.  D.,  President. 

Normal  Department — Bible,  Algebra,  Latin  and  Agriculture. 

Rev.  E.  J.  Gregg, 

Mrs.  G.  C.  Shaw,  Principal, 

Instructor  in  Grammar  Department. 

Miss  Maggie  A.  Tucker, 

Instructor  in  Intermediate  Department. 

Mrs.  A.  E.  Dillard, 

Instructor  in  Music. 

Miss  Mary  D.  Dent, 

Instructor  in  Primary  Department. 

Mrs.  G.  C.  Shaw, 

Instructor  in  Domestic  Science. 

Miss  Mamie  Sullivan, 

Instructor  in  Sewing. 

Miss  Lucy  E.  Davis, 


Miss  Sadie  Vincent, 

Assistant  Matron. 

Total  number  of  students  for  the  present  year,  204. 

Danville  Normal  and  High  School,  Danville,  Va. 
Three  Departments — High — Grammar— Primary. 

Faculty,  1903 — 1904. 

Rev.  W.  E.  Carr,  A.  M., 

Prof.  Thos.  A.  Long,  A.  M., 


Mrs.  Lizzie  B.  Harvey. 

Mrs.  Ruth  R.  J.  Carr. 


Biddle;  University. 

Miss  Roxie  E.  Brooks. 
Miss  M.  Louise  Carr. 
Miss  Mary  N.  Holbrook. 

County  Teachers. 

Mrs.  Lizzie  B.  Harvey. 
Mrs.  Morning  G.  Henderson. 
Number  enrolled,  390. 

McClelland  Academy,  Newnan,  Ga. 

Faculty  1903 — 1904. 

Rev.  B.  L.  Glenn,  D.  D. 

Mrs.  C.  E.  Glenn, 

Miss  Bessie  M.  Simmons, 
Miss  Abner  B.  Reed, 

Miss  Eula  Cunningham, 
Assistant  in  Sewing. 

Total  enrollment,  216. 

Cotton  Plant  Industrial  Academy,  Cottan  Plant,  Ark. 

Faculty  1903 — 1904. 

Rev.  W.  A.  Byrd,  A.  M., 

Principal  and  Instructor  in  Latin,  Higher  Mathematics,  Lit 

erature  and  Pedagogics. 

Mrs.  A.  E.  Byrd, 

Instructor  in  Arithmetic,  History  and  Physiology. 

Biddle  University. 


Miss  A.  F.  Dewey, 

Instructor  in  Geography,  Language,  Grammar  and  Penman¬ 

Miss  S.  E.  Cowan, 

Instructor  in  Primary  History,  Reading,  Spelling  and  Music. 

Miss  A.  E.  Blackwell, 

Instructor  in  Domestic  Science,  Rhetoric  and  Primary 


Number  enrolled  this  year,  198. 


Biddle  University. 

B.  F.  Murray,  B.  S.,  Minister . Cleveland,  N.  C. 

F.  L.  Brodie,  Minister . Davidson,  N.  C. 

A.  U.  Frierson,  D.  D.,  Minister  and  Teacher ..  Sumter,  S.  C. 

B.  L.  Glenn,  D.  D.,  Minister  and  Teacher . Newnan,  Ga. 

class  OE  ’89. 

E.  W.  Carpenter,  A.  M.,  Minister. . Madison,  Ga. 

I.  E.  Hardy,  Minister . , . Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

S.  F.  Wentz,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Minister . Statesville,  N.  C. 

A.  M.  Caldwlell,  Minister . Greensboro,  Ga. 

Wm.  Hairston,  B.  S.,  Minister . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

Jos.  Williams,  A.  M.,  Minister . Seneca,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OE  ’90. 

A.  J.  Tate,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .High  Point,  N.  C. 

CLASS  OE  ’91. 

D.  D.  Davis,  Minister . Union,  S.  C. 

L.  J.  Melton,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

J.  A.  Ramseur,  B  A,  Minister . Sanford,  N.  C. 

J.  O’Neal  Knox,  A  .  M.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

J.  M.  Colwell . Southern  Pines,  N.  C. 

S.  J.  Hargrave,  A.  B.,  Minister  A.  M.  E.  Z  Church. 

S.  G.  Taylor,  Minister . Pineville,  N.  C. 

CLASS  OE  ’92. 

I.  M.  Muldrow,  A.  B.^ . , . (Decease  1.) 

D.  W.  Aiken,  Minister . Winnsboro,  S.  C. 

S.  F.  Frazier,  Minister . Riceboro,  Ga. 

P.  W.  Moone,  Minister . Red  Springs,  N.  C. 

T.  E.  Toatley,  Minister . Manning,  S.  C. 

/  * 

CLASS  OE  ’93. 

P.  W.  Russell,  A.  M.,  Professor . Biddle  University. 

S.  C.  Thompson,  A.  M.,  Minister . (Deceased  ’04.) 

Biddle  University. 


CLASS  OE  ’94. 

N.  N.  Gregg,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Lancaster,  S.  C. 
H.  L.  Peterson,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher, West  Point,  Miss. 
J.  A.  Tillman,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Winnsboro,  S.  C. 
C.  M.  Young,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OE  '95. 

E.  W.  Allen,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Ridgeway,  S.  C. 
H.  L.  McCrorey,  D.  D.,  Minister  and  Prof. .  Biddle  University. 
H.  M.  Stinson,  B.  S.,  Minister  and  Teacher .  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

class  OE  ’9 6. 

W.  P.  Donnell,  S.  T.  B.,  Minister . Mebane,  N.  C. 

W.  B.  Middleton,  A.  B . . (Deceased.) 

T.  R.  Veal,  S.  B.,  Minister . Chester,  S.  C. 

D.  C.  Wilkes,  Minister  and  Teacher . Guthriesville,  S.  C. 

P.  A.  White,  S.  T.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher .  Campbellville,  Ky. 

CLASS  OE  ’97. 

J.  H.  Cooper,  S.  B.  Minister . Mayesville,  S.  C. 

Junius  Gregg,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Waxhaw,  N.  C. 

J.  E.  A.  Jeffrey,  Minister . »....Br.  Guiana,  S.  A. 

J.  A.  Rollins,  A.  M.,  Minister . Monroe,  N.  C. 

C.  H.  Shute,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher. . .  .Gastonia,  N.  C. 

CLASS  OE  ’98. 

A.  S.  Cottingham,  Minister,  M.  E . Shelby,  N.  C. 

J.  H.  Clement,  Minister . Rockingham,  N.  C. 

A.  J.  Jefferson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher  .Darlington,  S.  C. 
W.  L.  Metz,  A.  B.,  S.  S.  Missionary . Sumter,  S.  C. 


Biddle:  University. 

class  of  ’99. 

W.  H.  Carroll,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher . Hope,  Ark. 

S.  J.  Grier,  A.  B.,  Minister . Manning,  S.  C. 

I.  H.  Russell,  Minister . 1 . Lexington,  N.  C. 

J.  H.  Sampson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher. . .  .Kinston,  N.  C. 

T.  J.  Smith,  S.  T.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .  Morganton,  N.  C. 

W.  E.  Williams,  Minister . West  Chester,  Pa. 

S.  L.  Young,  Minister  and  Teacher . ...  .Graham,  N.  C. 

J.  D.  Lewis,  Minister . Beaufort,  N.  C. 

class  OF  ’oo. 

F.  J.  Anderson,  A.  B.,  S.  T.  B.,  Professor.  .Biddle  University. 

C.  A.  Hendricks,  S.  T.  B . . (Deceased  ’00.) 

Miles  J.  Jackson,  A.  B.,  Minister . Mayesville,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OF  ’oi. 

W.  R.  Coles,  B.  S . (Deceased  ’02.) 

Hugh  Harry,  A.  B.,  Minister . Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

J.  M.  Johnson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  S.  S.  Missionary.  . 

. Aberdeen,  Miss. 

W.  R.  Muldrow,  A.  B.,  Minister . Camden,  S.  C. 

S.  D.  Thom,  S.  T.  B.,  Minister . St.  Augustine,  Fla. 

Wm.  C.  Veal,  Minister . Statesville,  N.  C. 

class  of  ’02. 

T.  K.  Bridges,  Minister . Indian  Territory. 

C.  N.  Jenkins,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

G.  A.  Morrow,  A.  B.,  S.  S.  Missionary. ... . .  .Columbia,  Tenn. 

Z.  A.  Dockery,  A.  B.,  Minister . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

class  of  ’03. 

W.  C.  Hargrave,  A.  B.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

J.  R.  Pearson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher ...  .Aiken,  S.  C. 

class  of  ’04. 

C.  J.  Baker . .‘Biddle  University. 

S.  L.  Fulwood . .....Biddle  University. 

Italy  LeConte . Biddle  University. 



CEASS  OE  ’76. 

D.  W.  Culp,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Physician . Palatka,  Fla. 

CEASS  OE  '77. 

W.  I.  Lewis,  A.  B.,  Reporter . ,.  .Jacksonville,  Fla. 

J.  E.  Rattley,  A.  M.,  Dentist . Washington,  D.  C. 

R.  P.  Wyche,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

J.  P.  Crawlford,  A.  M.,  Minister . ,.  ...Sumter,  S.  C. 

J.  A.  Rainey,  A.  B.,  Minister . (Deceased.) 

CEASS  oe  ’78. 

C.  C.  Petty,  D.  D.,  Bishop  A.  M.  E.  Z.  Church.  (Deceased  ’01.) 

A.  D.  Waugh,  A.  B.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

D.  R.  Stokes,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  . .  .Dallas,  Texas. 

CEASS  OE  ’79. 

W.  A.  Alexander,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Minister.  . .  .Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Adam  Frayer,  A.  M.,  Minister . .Charleston,  S.  C. 

N.  W.  Harlee,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Dallas,  Texas. 

J.  C.  Simmons,  A.  B . , . Cheraw,  S.  C. 

CEASS  OE  ’80. 

T.  A.  Attles,  A.  B . (Deceased  ’91.) 

E.  H.  Garland,  A.  B.,  Minister . Texas. 

A.  C.  Johnson,  A.  B.,  Minister . Cheraw,  S.  C. 

M.  J.  Seabrook,  B.  S.,  Minister . Sumter,  S.  C. 


Biddle  University. 

class  oe  ’8 1. 

I.  D.  Davis,  A  .M.,  D.  D.,  Minister . Goodwill,  S.  C. 

G.  S.  Beeper,  A.  M.,  Minister . Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Wm.  E.  Partee,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Minister . Richmond,  Va. 

R.  H.  Richardson,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Wedgefield,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OE  '82. 

R.  M.  Alexander,  A.  M . 

D.  Brown,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Minister . Charleston,  S.  C. 

E.  B.  Craig,  A.  B . (Deceased  ’83.) 

J.  E.  K.  Simpson,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

class  oE  ’83. 

G.  E.  Davis,  A.  M.,  Ph.  D.,  Prof.  Biddle  University.  . .  . 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

P.  G.  Hammett,  B.  S... . (Deceased  ’98.) 

F.  M.  Martin,  A.  M . (Deceased  ’04.) 

class  oe  ’84. 

A.  F.  Graham,  B.  S.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

F.  B.  Perry,  A.  M . (Deceased.) 

H.  S.  Thompson,  A.  M.,  Principal  High  School. Dallas,  Texas. 

S.  F.  Young,  B.  S.,  Minister . Bracy,  Virginia. 

class  OE  ’85. 

A.  U.  Frierson,  A.  M.,  Principal  and  Minister.  .Sumter,  S.  C. 

F.  P.  Eaney,  A.  M.,  Physician^ . Washington,  D.  C. 

J.  S.  Perry,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Calahan,  Fla. 

A.  Robertson,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Greenville,  S.  C. 

J.  B.  Sevelli,  A.  M.,  Editor . . Texas. 

B.  F.  Murray,  B.  S.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  . .  .Cleveland,  N.  C. 

Biddle;  University.  71 

class  of  '86. 

E.  W.  Carpenter,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Madison,  Ga. 

A.  A.  Dryer,  A.  B . (Deceased  ’86.) 

Wm.  Hairston,  B.  S.,  Minister. . . . . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

J.  O’N.  Knox,  A.  M.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

G.  J.  Melton,  A.  B . . . (Deceased.) 

S.  F.  Wentz,  A.  M . Statesville,  N.  C. 

J.  S.  Williams,  A.  M.,  Minister . Seneca,  S.  C. 

S.  J.  Spencer,  A.  M.,  Principal  Graded  School. Texarkana,  Tex. 
A.  N.  Richie,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher . Bartow,  Fla. 

class  of  ’87. 

P.  H.  Brown,  A.  B.,  Mailing  Clerk . Columbia,  S.  C. 

A.  P.  Butler,  B.  S . . Newberry,  S.  C. 

L.  Hunlev,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Mocksville,  N.  C. 

class  of  ’88. 

J.  D.  Martin,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Biddle  University.  .  Charlote,  N.  C. 
S.  B.  Pride,  A.  M.,  Teacher  S.  N.  School,  Franklinton,  N.  C. 

S.  B.  Young,  B.  S . (Deceased,  ’99) 

J.  A.  Ramseur,  B.  S.,  Minister . Sanford,  N.  C. 

class  OF  ’89. 

S.  J.  Hargrave,  A.  B.,  Minister . 

J.  C.  Johnson,  A.  M.  . .  . . (Deceased,  ’92) 

W.  T.  Reid,  A.  M.,  Mail  Carrier . Macon,  Ga. 

A.  J.  Tate,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teach.  . .  .High  Point,  N.  C. 

class  OF  ’90. 

S.  M.  Boger,  A.  B . (Deceased  ’04.) 

P.  W.  Russell,  A.  M.,  Minister . Prof.  Biddle  University 

S.  C.  Thompson,  A.  M.,  Minister . (Deceased  ’04.) 


Biddle:  University. 

R.  W.  Williamson,  A,  M.,  Lawyer . Newbern,  N.  C. 

ceass  of  ’91. 

W.  A.  Byrd,  A.  M.,  Minister,  Principal.  . .  .Cotton  Plant,  Ark. 

H.  L.  Peterson,  A.  M.,  Minister . West  Point,  Miss. 

J.  A.  Tillman,  A.  M.,  Minister . Winnsboro,  S.  C. 

C.  M.  Young,  A.  M.,  Minister . Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

N.  N.  Gregg,  A.  M.,  Minister . Lancaster,  S.  C. 

H.  B.  Rice,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Augusta,  Ga. 

W.  A.  Walker,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Reidsville,  N.  C. 

CEASS  OF  ’92. 

H.  L.  McCrorey,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Professor,  Biddle  University.  . 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

R.  L.  Douglass,  A.  M.,  Professor,  Biddle  University . 

. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

John  C.  Cantey,  A.  B . Twenty-fourth  Infantry,  U.  S.  A. 

D.  S.  Collier,  A.  B.,  Minister . Hickory  Grove,  S.  C. 

J.  P.  Woolridge,  A.  M.,  Minister . "Troy,  S.  C. 

E.  W.  Allen,  A.  M.,  Minister . Ridgeway,  S.  C. 

H.  M.  Stinson,  S.  B.,  Minister . Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OF  ’93. 

J.  J.  Robinson,  A.  M.,  M.  D.  . .  . . Providence,  R.  I. 

W.  H.  Morrow,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Hillburn,  N.  Y. 

T.  H.  Ayers,  A.  M.,  Minister . Chester,  S.  C. 

L.  B.  Ellerson,  A.  M.,  Minister . Jacksonville,  Fla. 

G.  E.  Caesar,  A.  M.,  Minister . j . Conyers,  Ga. 

W.  P.  Donnell,  A.  M.,  Minister . Mebane,  N.  C. 

T.  R.  Veal,  B.  S.,  Minister . Chester,  S.  C. 

W.  B.  Middleton,  A.  B.  . . (Deceased,  ’98) 

J.  H.  Cooper,  A.  B.,  Minister . Mayesville,  S.  C. 

P.  G.  Drayton,  A.  M.,  D.  D.,  Minister  and  Professor . 

. Biddle  University. 

J.  H.  Hutton,  A.  M.,  M.  D.  .< . Omaha,  Neb. 

Biddle  University. 


CLASS  OE  ’94. 

J.  E.  Bowman,  A.  M.,  M.  D . Chicago. 

A.  P.  Allison,  A.  M.,  Teacher . Greenville,  S.  C. 

W.  D.  Hood,  B.  S.,  Baptist  Minister . Florence,  S.  C. 

J.  A.  Rollins,  A.  M.,  Minister . Monroe,  N.  C. 

C.  H.  Shute,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  . .  .Gastonia,  N.  C. 

A.  James,  A.  M.,  Teacher . 1 . Brogden,  S.  C. 

H.  H.  Muldrow,  A.  M.,  Teacher . In  Florida. 

Junius  Gregg,  A.  M.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .  .  .  Waxhaw,  N.  C. 

J.  M.  Vaughan,  A.  M.,  M.  D . .  .  .  .Manchester,  Va. 

S.  M.  Plair,  A.  M.,  D.  Phar . Jacksonville,  Fla. 

CLASS  OE  ’95. 

J.  F.  Harris,  A.  B . I . Eastfield,  N.  C. 

J.  P.  Harrison,  A.  B . Kings  Mountain,  N.  C 

A.  J.  Jefferson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher.  .Darlington,  S.  C. 

A.  P.  Johnson,  A.  B.,  Teacher.  . .  .* . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

S.  B.  McLamb,  A.  B.,  Minister . Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

W.  L.  Metz,  A.  B.,  Sunday  School  Missionary.  .Sumter,  S.  C. 

G.  F.  Radford,  B.  S.,  Teacher . Roanoke,  Va. 

D.  F.  Speed,  A.  B.,  Dental  Student . Howlard  University. 

W.  H.  Stinson . Supt.  Boarding  Dept.,  Biddle  University. 

J.  W.  Stitt,  B.  S . Washington,  D.  C. 

G.  Wadsworth,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Cokesbury,  S.  C. 

F.  H.  Watkins,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Wadesboro,  N.  C. 

class  oe  ’96. 

R.  J.  Boulware,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

H.  H.  Cardwell,  B.  S . , . Prof.  Biddle  University. 

W.  H.  Carroll,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher . Hope,  Ark. 

W.  M.  Flowers,  A.  B.,  Foreman  N.  B.  Pub.  H. Nashville,  Tenn. 

S.  J.  Grier,  A.  B.,  Minister . Manning,  S.  C. 

J.  M.  Henderson,  A.  B.,  Teacher . (Deceased  '99) 

J.  A.  Pethel,  A.  B.,  M.  D . Charlotte,  N.  C. 


Biddle  University. 

A.  W.  Scott,  A.  B.,  Lawyer . .Washington,  D.  C. 

J.  H.  Sampson,  A.  B.,  Minister . Kinston,  S.  C. 

J.  W.  Watkins,  A.  B.,  M.  D . Reidsville,  N.  C. 

J.  E.  Westberry,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Mechanicsville,  S.  C. 

CLASS  O F  ’97. 

F.  J.  Anderson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Prof.  .Biddle  University. 
W.  R.  Connors,  A.  B.,  Prof.  Livingstone  College . 

. Salisbury,  N.  C. 

W.  C.  Coles,  B.  S . (Deceased). 

T.  J.  Coles,  A.  B.,  Gov.  Print.  Office . Washington,  D.  C. 

M.  J.  Jackson,  A.  B.,  Minister . Mayesville,  S.  C. 

W.  T.  Singleton,  A.  B.,  Assistant  Professor .  Biddle  University. 
J.  E.  Smith,  A.  B.,  Gov.  Print.  Office.  ..  .Washington,  D.  C. 
I.  D.  L.  Torrence,  A.  B.,  Assistant  Professor  .Biddle  University. 

CLASS  OF  ’98. 

E.  C.  Byers,  A.  B.,  Teacher  and  Tailor.  ....  .Davidson,  N.  C. 

T.  E.  Craig,  B.  S.,  Union  University . Richmond,  Va. 

L.  D.  Fielder,  A.  B.,  Teacher . .  .  Pacolet,  S.  C. 

T.  J.  Frierson,  A.  B.,  M.  D . Augusta,  Ga. 

Hugh  Harry,  A.  B.,  Minister . Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

W.  L.  Hudson,  A.  B.,  Teacher . (Deceased  ’02) 

J.  M.  Johnson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  S.  S.  Missionary . 

. Aberdeen,  Miss., 

I.  M.  Martin,  A.  B.,  Teacher  and  Carpenter.  . .  .Camden,  S.  C. 
S.  I.  Moone,  A.  B.,  Leonard  Medical  School,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

W.  R.  Muldrow,  A.  B.,  Minister . . Marion,  S.  C. 

R.  E.  Williams,  A.  B.,  U.  S.  Mail  Service.  . .  .Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

class  of  ’99. 

C.  F.  Alexander,  A.  B . (Deceased  ’02) 

J.  R.  Baker,  A.  B.,  Merchant . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

W.  R.  Coles,  Jr.,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Aiken,  S.  C. 

Biddle  University. 


J.  A.  Croom,  A.  B.,  Teacher  S.  N.  School.  .Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Z.  A.  Dockery,  A.  B.,  Minister . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

C.  N.  Jenkins,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

C.  B.  Johnson,  A.B.,  Teacher  Harbison  College,  Abbeville,  S.  C. 

G.  A.  Morrow,  B.  A.,  Minister  and  S.  S.  Missionary . 

. Columbia,  Tenn. 

W.  A.  Pethel,  A.  B.,  Dentist . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

G.  R.  Spaulding,  A.  B.,  Teacher . (Deceased  ’oo) 

L.  L.  Spaulding,  A.  B.,  Teacher  Harbison  College . 

. Abbeville,  S.  C. 

J.  E.  Walker,  B.  S.,  U.  S.  Mail  Service.  ....  .Charlotte,  N.  C. 



C.  J.  Baker,  A.  B.,  Theological  School.  ..  .Biddle  University. 

A.  D.  Bruen,  A.  B . New  York. 

W.  M.  Caldwell,  A.  B.,  Minister . Savannah,  Ga. 

David  T.  Cardwell,  A.  B.,  Med.  Dept.  Howard  University. 

W.  J.  Green,  A.  B.,  Private  Secretary . New  York. 

J.  D.  Howie,  A.  B . Harisburg,N.  C. 

W.  C.  Hargrave,  A.  B.,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

R.  E.  Jones,  A.  B . Meharry  Medical  College. 

J.  W.  Jamerson,  B.  S . Meharry  Dental  College. 

Cary  W.  Jones,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Rembert,  S.  C. 

J.  R.  Logan,  A.  B.,  Theological  Student . Petersburg,  Va. 

C.  W.  Maxwell,  A.  B.,  Medical  School.  .  .Howard  University. 

J.  R.  Pearson,  A.  B.,  Minister  and  Teacher . Aiken,  S.  G. 

W.  O.  Thompson,  A.  B.,  Secretary . St.  Augustine,  Fla. 

Jacob  Thomson,  Jr.,  A.  B.,  U.  S.  Mail  Service. Charlotte,  N.  C. 

M.  C.  Cooper,  A.  B . Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Robert  A.  Walker,  A.  B . Denver,  Col. 

class  of  ’oi. 

J.  A.  Byers,  A.  B.,  Med.  School . Shaw  University. 

M.  C.  Cooper,  A.  B  .  . .  . . Pittsburg,  Pa. 

H.  G.  Cornwell,  B.  S.,  Med.  School . Shaw  University. 


Biddle  University. 

S.  L.  Fulwood,  A.  B.,  Theological  School.  .Biddle  University. 
J.  L.  Foster,  A.  B.,  Shaw  Medical  School ....  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

E.  C.  Grigg,  B.  S.,  Tailor . Monroe,  N.  C. 

E.  DePass  Hamilton,  A.  B.,  Special  Student,  Prepartory 

to  Teaching . Harvard  University. 

S.  M.  Jackson,  A.  B.,  Cotton  Merchant . Savannah,  Ga. 

G.  F.  Jones,  A.  B.,  Special  Student  in  Agriculture . 

. University  of  Chicago. 

Italy  EeConte,  B.  S.,  Theological  School.  . Biddle  University. 

Robert  N.  Perry,  A.  B.,  King  Hall,  Theological . 

. . Washington,  D.  C. 

M.  M.  Spears,  A.  B . Knoxville,  Tenn. 

S.  J.  Wentz,  A.  B . Knoxville,  Tenn. 

class  OE  ’02. 

John  Neely  Barber . .  .  Meharry  Medical  College. 

John  Nicholas  Brown,  A.  B.,  Printer . Portsmouth,  Va. 

Henderson  Crawford,  A.  B . . Richmond,  Va. 

James  Henry  Baker  Gantt,  B.  S.,  Theological  School.  . .  . 

. *. .  .! . Biddle  University. 

Thomas  Jones,  A.  B.,  Medical  School. . .  .Howard  University. 

Homer  Young  Kennedy,  A.  B.,  Theological  School . 

. Biddle  University. 

John  Lee  Wastle  Lytle,  B.  S . Cornell  University. 

Julius  Warren  Mallard,  A.  B.,  Theological  School.  ...... 

. Lincoln  University. 

Spencer  Paschal  Mitchell,  A.  B.,  Theological  School.... 

. Biddle  University. 

Harvey  Ward  Beecher  Van  Buren,  A.  B.,  Medical  School 

. 1 . Howard  University. 

Charles  Alexander  Ward,  A.  B.,  Theological  School . 

. Biddle  University. 

James  Garfield  Walker,  A.  B.,  Theological  School.... 

. Biddle  University. 

William  Henry  Wright,  B.  S.,  Clerk  in  United  States  P.  O. 

. Beaufort,  S.  C. 

Biddle  University. 


CLASS  OF  ’03. 

Robert  W.  Boulware,  A.  B.,  Prof,  in  Harbison  College. . 

. ( . Abbeville,  S.  C. 

Edward  J.  Cardwell,  A.  B . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

William  A.  Grigg,  A.  B.,  School  of  Theology . 

. . . . Biddle  University. 

Frank  S.  Giles,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Charleston,  S.  C. 

John  A.  Howard,  A.  B.,  Principal  Graded  School . 

. . . Snow  Hill,  N.  C. 

James  E.  Hollowed,  A.  B.,  School  of  Theology . 

. . . Biddle  University. 

Virgil  McPherson,  A.  B.,  School  of  Theology . 

. ( . Biddle  University. 

Wimbush  E.  MacBeth,  B.  S.,  School  of  Pharmacy . 

. 1 . Shaw  University. 

Arthur  R.  Moore,  B.  S.,  Maharry  Medical  School . 

Drayton  H.  Nance,  B.  S . U.  S.  Mail  Service. 

John  E.  Phelps,  A.  B.,  School  of  Theology.  .Biddle  University. 
Daniel  J.  Sanders,  Jr..  .Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  Pa. 
Allen  A.  Wilson,  A.  B.,  School  of  Theology. Biddle  University. 

Tinsley  A.  White,  A.  B.,  Teacher . Sardis,  N.  C. 

George  Eee  Winstead,  A.  B . Elm  City,  N.  C. 

Cecil  D.  Yancy,  A.  B . Danville,  Va. 

Total  213. 


class  of  ’88. 



E.  W.  Allen,  Minister  and  Teacher.  . . 
D.  S.  Collier,  Minister  and  Teacher.  . 

J.  H.  Cooper,  Minister . 

J.  R.  Malloy,  Teacher . . 

S.  S.  McCoy,  Teacher . 

W.  H.  Mumford . 

J.  M.  McGriff . 

W.  F.  Richie,  Teacher . . 

Wm.  Thompson . *..... 

T.  L.  Toatley,  Minister . 

J.  P.  Woolridge,  Minister . 

. . Ridgeway,  S.  C. 

.  .Hickory  Grove,  S.  C. 
. Mayesville,  S.  C. 

. . . .  Laurinburg,  N.  C. 

. u  . . .  (Deceased.) 

. Winnsboro,  S.  C. 

.  . . Florida. 

. (Deceased.) 

. Manning,  S.  C. 

. . Trov,  N.  C. 

j  7 

CLASS  OF  ’89. 

T.  H.  Ayers,  Minister . Chester,  S.  C. 

G.  E.  Caesar,  Minister . Conyers,  Ga. 

W.  P.  Donnell,  Minister . Mebane,  N.  C. 

L .  B.  Ellerson,  Minister . Jacksonville,  Fla. 

I.  L.  Harris.  .1 . . . 

J.  H.  Hutton,  M.  D . . . Omaha,  Neb. 

T.  R.  Veal,  Minister . Chester,  S.  C. 

F.  O.  Johnson . . . 

H.  C.  Eyttles,  Teacher . Coddle  Creek,  N.  C. 

Wm.  Means,  Teacher . Winnsboro, S.  C. 

W.  H.  Morrow,  Minister  and  Teacher . Hillburn,  N.  Y. 

W.  B.  Middleton . (Deceased  ’98.) 

J.  A.  Rollins,  Minister . Monroe,  N.  C. 

C.  E.  Radford,  Teacher . Roanoke,  Va. 

J.  J.  Robinson,  M.  D . Providence,  R.  I. 

Biddle  University. 


C.  E.  Sawyer . Savannah,  Ga. 

D.  C.  Stubbs . Bennettsville,  S.  C. 

J.  J.  L.  Taylor,  U.  S.  Army . 

F.  W.  Thompson . (Deceased.) 

E.  O.  Woodward,  M.  D . Bristol,  Tenn. 

class  OR  ’90. 

S.  F.  Frazier,  Minister . . . Riceboro,  Ga. 

J.  E.  Graham . Concord,  N.  C. 

Junius  Gregg,  Minister  and  Teacher . Waxhaw,  N.  C. 

W.  D.  Hood,  Minister . Florence,  S.  C. 

Anderson  James,  Teacher . South  Carolina. 

W.  T.  Johnson,  Merchant . Phoenix,  N.  C. 

J.  J.  Jordan . Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

M.  R.  McClain,  Teacher . Walkup,  N.  C. 

J.  J.  Agurs,  Teacher . Chester,  S.  C. 

A.  P.  Allison,  Teacher . Greenville,  S.  C. 

B.  B.  Benjamin,  Teacher . Sardinia,  S.  C. 

J.  E.  Bowman,  M.  D., . Chicago. 

J.  E.  Elierbe.  . . . Cheraw,  S.  C. 

C.  S.  McFadden,  Teacher . Sardina,  S.  C. 

S.  B.  McEamb,  Minister . Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

C.  S.  McMillan . (Deceased  ’03.) 

H.  H.  Muldrow,  Teacher . Florida. 

S.  M.  Plair,  Druggist . Jacksonville,  Fla. 

J.  M.  Steele . Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

J.  W.  Stitt . Washington,  D.  C. 

C.  H.  Shute,  Minister . Gastonia,  N.  C. 

J.  M.  Vaughn,  M.  D . Manchester.  Va. 

C.  F.  Woolridge . Greenwood,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OE  '91. 

H.  H.  Cardwell,  Professor . Biddle  University, 

J.  H.  Clement,  Minister . Rockingham,  N.  C. 

R.  C.  Duncan . (Deceased.) 


Biddle  University. 

J.  E.  Harris . Eastfield,  N.  C. 

J.  P.  Harrison,  Teacher . North  Carolina. 

A.  J.  Jefferson,  Minister  and  Teacher . Darlington,  S.  C. 

A.  P.  Johnson,  Teacher... . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

W.  E.  Metz,  Sunday  School  Missionary . Sumter,  S.  C. 

Wm.  Presley . Atlanta,  Ga. 

D.  E.  Speed,  Dental  Student . Howard  University. 

W.  H.  Stinson,  Superintendent . Biddle  University. 

Guy  Wads  worth,  Teacher . Cokesbury,  S.  C. 

J.  W.  Watkins,  M.  D . Reidsville,  N.  C. 

E.  H.  Watkins,  Teacher . Wadesboro,  N.  C. 

J.  S.  Tyler,  Brickmason . Pittsburg,  Pa. 

C.  C.  Thompson,  Printer . Eincolnton,  N.  C. 

A.  L.  Montgomery,  Farmer . Paw'  Creek,  N.  C. 

W.  M.  Malloy . . . 

A.  E.  Martin,  Minister . Eincolnton,  N.  C. 

CLASS  Off  ’92. 

R.  J.  Bouleware,  Teacher . Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

W.  H.  Carroll,  Minister . ....Hope,  Ark. 

W.  M  .Flowers,  Printer . Nashville,  Tenn. 

S.  J.  Grier,  Minister . Manning,  S.  C. 

J.  M.  Henderson,  Teacher . (Deceased  '99.) 

J.  A.  Pethel,  M.  D . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

A.  W.  Scott,  Eawyer . Washington,  D.  C. 

J.  H.  Sampson,  Minister . Kinston,  N.  C. 

J.  W.  Westbrook,  Eeonard  Medical  School . Raleigh,  N.  C. 

J.  E.  Westberry,  Teacher . Mechanicsville,  S.  C. 

E.  E.  Evans . 

B.  B.  Funderburk,  Farmer . Cheraw,  S.  C. 

T.  M.  Elrod . Piedmont,  S.  C. 

CLASS  Off  '93. 

F.  J.  Anderson,  Minister  and  Professor.  . .  .Biddle  University. 

H.  W.  Bates . (Deceased.) 

Biddle  University.  8i 

W.  R.  Connors,  Prof.  Livingstone  College.  . .  .Salisbury,  N.  C. 
C.  W.  Ellis,  Farmer . .  .Due  West,  S.  C. 

L.  Fielder,  Teacher . South  Carolina. 

J.  J.  Frazier . 

E.  W.  Gregg,  Farmer . > . Sumter,  S.  C. 

M.  J.  Jackson,  Minister . Mayesville,  S.  C. 

M.  H.  Lewis . (Deceased.) 

G.  A.  Morrow,  Minister  and  S.  S.  Missionary .  Columbia,  Tenn. 
J.  E.  Powe . 

F.  C.  Sadgwar,  Jr.,  Carpenter . Wilmington,  N.  C. 

W.  T.  Singleton,  Assistant  Professor . Biddle  University. 

J.  E.  Smith,  Government  Printing  Office.  . .  .Washington,  D.  C. 
W.  H.  Spann . 

I.  D.  L.  Torrence,  Assistant  Professor.  ...  Biddle  University. 

S.  L.  Young,  Minister  and  Teacher . Graham,  N.  C. 

CLASS  OE  ’94. 

Z.  Alexander,  Ins.  Agent . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

J.  R.  Alsobrooks  . 

F.  M,  Boulware,  Farmer . Chester,  S.  C. 

E.  C.  Byers,  Teacher . Davidson,  N.  C. 

L.  B.  Cooper . . . 

T.  E.  Craig,  Union  University . Richmond,  Va. 

T.  H.  Davis,  Carpenter . ....(Deceased.) 

Z.  A.  Dockery,  Minister.  . .  . . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

J.  E.  Tice,  Minister . Jackson,  Mo. 

T.  J.  Frierson,  M.  D.,  Augusta,  Ga . 

Hugh  Harry,  Minister . Chesterfield,  S.  C. 

W.  L.  Hudson,  Teacher . (Deceased.) 

T.  M.  Johnson,  Minister  and  S.  S.  Missionary  •  Aberdeen,  Miss. 

L.  W.  Johnson . Columbia,  S.  C. 

J.  A.  Lightner,  M.  D., . Columbia,  S.  C. 

I.  M.  Martin,  Teacher  and  Carpenter . Camden,  S.  C. 

J.  L.  Massey,  Teacher . Paw  Creek,  N.  C. 

W.  L.  McNair,  D.  Ph . Greensboro,  N.  C. 

J.  C.  McNeil . Red  Springs,  N.  C. 


Biddies  University. 

S.  I.  Moone . 


J.  W.  Young . Biddle  UUniversity. 

J.  W.  Morrison,  Teacher  and  Farmer . Cureton’s  Store. 

T.  W.  Nance,  Teacher. . . . . Yorkville,  S.  C. 

I.  H.  Russell,  Minister . Lexington,  N.  C. 

J.  E.  Walker,  U.  S.  Mail  Service . ..Charlotte,  N.  C. 

B.  M.  Ward,  Minister . Cotton  Plant,  Ark. 

J.  H.  Warren,  Barber . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

F.  Watson,  Farmer.... . Nottoway,  Va. 

D.  F.  White . 

R.  E.  Williams,  U.  S.  Mail  Service . Goldsboro  ,N.  C. 

R.  A.  Wilson . . 

CLASS  OE  '95. 

C.  E.  Aiken,  Teacher . : . Abbeville,  S.  C. 

C.  E.  Alexander . , . (Deceased.) 

J.  R.  Baker,  Merchant . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

W.  R.  Coles,  Jr.,  Teacher . Aiken,  S.  C. 

J.  A.  Croom,  Teacher . Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

T.  G.  Jenkins . .  .U.  S.  Seaman. 

C.  N.  Jenkins,  Minister . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

C.  B.  Johnson,  Teacher . Abbeville,  S.  C. 

J.  E.  Mebane . (Deceased.) 

W.  A.  Petel,  Dentist . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

G.  R.  Spaulding . * . (Deceased.) 

Lloyd  Spaulding,  Teacher . Harbison  College. 

Geo.  F.  Wilson . Charleston,  S.  C. 

CLASS  OE  ’96. 

W.  H.  Ancrum,  Teacher . Norlina,  N.  C. 

C.  J.  Baker,  Theological  School . Biddle  University. 

W.  M.  Barnwiell . Beaufort,  S.  C. 

M.  C.  Cooper . Pittsburg,  Pa. 

W.  C.  Cantey . U.  S.  Army. 

E.  E.  Drinkwater . 

Biddle  University. 


S.  L.  Fulwood,  Theological  School . Biddle  University. 

H.  B.  Grigg . 25th  U.  S.  Infantry. 

W.  A.  Grigg . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

W.  C.  Hargrave,  Minister . . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

R.  B.  Henderson,  U.  S.  M.  Service . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

J.  M.  Harleston . 

J.  D.  Howie . Harrisburg,  N.  C. 

C.  R.  Means . Camden,  N.  J. 

J.  J  Mason . Keeling,  Tenn. 

E.  W.  Murray.  . .  . . Meharry  Medical  College. 

J.  A.  Patterson,  Teacher . Matthews,  N.  C. 

J.  S.  Patton,  Carpenter . Pittsburg,  Pa. 

J.  L.  Scott,  Pullman  Service . 

A.  A.  Thomas . , . 

Jacob  Thompson,  U.  S.  Mail  Service . 

W.  H.  Wright . (Deceased  ’99.) 

class  OE  ’97. 

J.  R.  Barber,  M.  D . (Deceased  ’03.) 

E.  P.  Brown . Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

A.  D.  Bruen,  Y.  M.  C.  A . New  York  City. 

E.  G.  Bumpass . (Deceased.) 

D.  T.  Caldwell,  Medical  Student . Howlard  University. 

Wm.  Dubose. . . . (Deceased.) 

W.  B.  Gilliard . 

W.  A.  Gilmore,  Teacher . E.  Turnout,  S.  C. 

C.  F.  Green,  Medical  Student . Howard  University. 

W.  J.  Green,  Private  Secretary . New  York  City. 

J.  C.  Hargrave . (Drowned  at  Sea  ’99.) 

G.  E.  Haskins,  Porter  in  Shoe  House . New  York. 

J.  W.  Jamerson . Meharry  Dental  School. 

J.  R.  S.  Jeffrey,  Medical  Student . Montreal,  Canada. 

W.  A.  Jenkins . ..Richmond,  Va. 

R.  E.  Jones . Meharry  Medical  School. 

W.  O.  Thompson,  Private  Secretary . St.  Augustine,  Fla. 


Biddle:  University. 

J.  R.  Bogan,  Theological  Student . Howard  University. 

E.  J.  McLeod,  Leonard  Medical  School . Raleigh,  N.  C. 

L.  A.  McLeod . 

J.  R.  Pearson,  Minister  and  Teacher . Aiken,  S.  C. 

T.  A.  Scott,  Tailor . . Pullman  Sercie. 

P.  D.  Smith . . Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

G.  W.  Thompson . 

T.  R.  Vanderhost . 

.  / 

R.  A.  Walker . Denver,  Colo. 

Columbus  White . . . . . 

W.  S.  C.  Wynne,  Teacher . Chadbourne,  N.  C. 

J.  E.  Young . (Deceased.) 

class  ot  ’98. 

Edward  B.  Brooks. . . 25th  U.  S.  Infantry. 

W.  H.  Bryant,  Leonard  Medical  School . 

James  Arthur  Byers,  Medical  School . Shaw  University. 

Henry  George  Cornwell . Leonard  Medical  School. 

Julius  Lorenzo  Foster . Leonard  Medical  School. 

Handsome  Alexander  Fox . Sandifer,  N.  C. 

Ernest  Clayborne  Grigg . Monroe,  N.  C. 

M.  J.  Hardy,  M.  D., . Union,  S.  C. 

James  Seabrum  Harris.. . 

William  Handy  Jackson. .  . .  . . Massachusetts. 

Richard  Hamilton  Jefferson . . Athens,  Ga. 

Italy  LeConte,  Theological  School . Biddle  University 

John  Thomas  Lyons . Mocksville. 

Wimbush  Lucius  McBeth.  . .  . . Leonard  Medical  School. 

John  Martin  Miller,  School  of  Theology.  . .  .Biddle  University. 

Milton  Lee  Miller,  Teacher . Sardinia,  S.  C. 

Peter  Eli  Thomas . (Deceased  ’99.) 

Walter  Lewis  Patterson,  Farmer . . . Eastfield,  N.  C. 

John  Wesley  Perry,  Veterinary  Student.  . .  .Cornell  University. 

Robert  Holston  Price . . . . (Deceased  ’03.) 

Robert  Nathaniel  Perry,  King  Hall . Washington,  D.  C. 

Alfred  Nathan  Samuels . Macon,  Ga. 

Biddle  University. 


John  Thomas  Sanders . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

B.  F.  Spearman. . . . . . . 

Moses  Spears . Knoxville,  Tenn. 

Maurice  Taylor  Smith . Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

John  Primus  Tinnen . . Washington,  D.  C. 

John  Calvin  Valentine . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Odie  Green  Walker,  U.  S.  Mail  Service.  ......  .Atlanta,  Ga. 

Sidney  Johnston  Wentz . Knoxville,  Tenn. 

Napoleon  Lewiis  Wyche,  Medical  Student. Howard  University. 

CLASS  OE  ’99. 

J.  W.  Anderson . Scarboro,  S.  C. 

J.  N.  Barber,  Meharry  Medical  School . Tennessee. 

J.  H.  Blake,  Teacher  and  Farmer . Cavins,  S.  C. 

J.  N.  Brown,  Printer . Portsmouth,  Va. 

Henderson  Crawford . Richmond,  Va. 

F.  N.  Cardoza . 1 . 

H.  H.  Davis . Texas. 

W.  A.  Field . Leonard  Medical  School. 

J.  W.  Fulwood,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Charles  Gandy.  . .  . . .Union  University. 

A.  M.  Green . New  York  City, 

M.  B.  Harry . Durham,  N.  C. 

J.  A.  Jeffries . Smithville,  Va. 

J.  L.  W.  Lyttle . Cornell  University. 

J.  M.  McLean . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

C.  H.  McIntosh . Georgia. 

J.  W.  Mallard . Lincoln  University. 

S.  P.  Mitchell,  School  of  Theology . Biddle  University. 

S.  M.  Russell . Sardis,  N.  C. 

W.  M.  Simond . Livingston  College. 

Edward  Springs . , . (Deceased.) 

H.  W.  B.  Van  Buren,  Medical  Student.  . .  .Howard  University. 

C.  A.  Ward,  School  of  Theology . Biddle  University. 

Samuel  Withers . (Deceased  00.) 

George  Wellington . 


Biddle)  University. 

J.  G.  Walker,  School  of  Theology . Biddle  UUniversity. 

W.  R.  Young . . . Biddleville. 


Edwiard  Alexander,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

John  Samuel  Byers,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Clarence  Boulware,  S.  of  A  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Charles  Edward  Baker,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Edward  Eustace  Campbell . (Deceased.) 

Edgar  Magager  Edwards . Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Charles  Nathaniel  Ellerbe,  S.  of  A.  and  S.. Biddle  UUniversity. 

James  Adgar  Clark,  S.  o  fA.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Fletcher  Provost  Foster . (Deceased.) 

William  Arthur  Feimster . Biddleville,  N.  C. 

James  Anderson  Gladden,  S.  of  A.  and  S..  .Biddle  University. 

Allen  Gaines,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Roland  Ross  Hawes,  Meharry  Medical  College. Nashville,  Tenn. 

Ephraim  Van  Johnson . Blackstock,  S.  C. 

Ira  Foster  Lewis . Washington,  D.  C. 

Samuel  Sandy  Middleton,  S.  of  A.  and  S..  .Biddle  University. 
Thomas  Moore,  Meharry  Medical  College.  . Nashville,  Tenn. 

Rufus  James  Mays,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Thomas  Francis  Miller . . Augusta,  Ga. 

Charles  Pitchford,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Isaiah  Pogue,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Jeremiah  Mozart  Riddick . Portsmouth,  Va. 

William  Adolphus  Rice,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University 

James  Edwiard  Strong,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Clarence  Sparrow . Mooresvllle,  N.  C. 

Marshall  Alexander  Talley,  S.  of  A.  and  S..  .Biddle  University. 

James  Henry  Turner . 

Alfred  William  White,  S.  of  A.  and  S . Biddle  University. 

Thomas  Henry  Weddington . . . 

William  Thomas  Wilson,  School  of  Theology . 

. Lincoln  University. 

Christopher  G.  Washington . Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Biddle  University. 


CLASS  OE  *01. 

John  Baker . . Biddle  University. 

W.  C.  Baker . Washington,  D.  C. 

C.  R.  Blake . Livingstone  College. 

Peter  Barber . Biddle  University. 

Arthur  Henry  Beatty,  Teacher . Huntersville,  N.  C. 

Frank  E.  Bryant . Biddle  University. 

Arthur  John  H.  Clement . Biddle  University, 

Marion  Robert  Davies . . Concord,  N.  C. 

Lucius  C.  Eichelberger . Laurens,  S.  C. 

Edward  Richard  Dudley . Biddle  University. 

James  S.  Duncan . Biddle  University. 

George  Edward  Henderson . Biddle  University. 

John  Samuel  Henderson..; . Biddle  University. 

James  Elliott  Jackson . Biddle  University. 

Charles  Henry  Llewellyn . Biddle  University. 

John  Henry  McAllister . Cheraw,  S.  C. 

Luther  McLamb . Biddle  University, 

Pinckney  Everett  McLaughlin . Fork,  S.  C. 

William  McPherson . Biddle  University. 

Thomas  Weldemere  McRobson . Biddle  University. 

Ulysses  Stephen  Mexwell . Biddle  University. 

Edward  Sydney  Moore . California. 

Joseph  James  Morgan . Richmond,  Va. 

General  William  Rice . Union,  S.  C. 

James  Baker  Russell . Biddle  University. 

Logan  Stimpson-. . Biddle  LTuversity. 

George  Preston  Watkins . Biddle  University. 

Levi  Curtis  Lawrence . Biddle  University, 

Ralph  Thornton  Weddington . Biddle  University. 

Alonzo  Spaulding . Biddle  Lhiiversity. 

CLASS  oE  ’02. 

Robert  Lee  Burgess,  Theo.  Dept . Biddle  LTuversity. 

Janies  HenryBoulwIare . Biddle  LTiversity. 


Biddle;  University. 

Frank  Atkinson  Brown . Biddle  University. 

John  Harrison  Cardwell  . Biddle  University. 

Henry  Wesley  Cooper . .  Biddle  University. 

John  David  Carr . Biddle  University. 

Thomas  Baxter  Davis . , . Biddle  University. 

John  Ernest  Easterling . Biddle  University. 

George  William  Franklin . Biddle  University. 

Thomas  Jay  Baxter  Harris . Biddle  University. 

James  Thomas  Hope . 

Hardy  Alderman  Henderson . Biddle  University. 

Frank  Napoleon  Harris . .Biddle  University. 

Willard  Benjamin  King. . Biddle  University. 

Eamar  Westcott  Lawrence . Biddle  University. 

John  Roland  McCormick,  U.  S.  Mail  Service . . . 

James  Henry  Miller . Biddle  University. 

Hector  Charles  Miller . Biddle  Universitv. 


Albert  Lee  Pearson . Biddle  University. 

Henry  Edward  Pinckney . . . 

John  Garnett  Porter . Biddle  University, 

James  Pugh . Columbia,  S.  C. 

John  Robinson.., . Biddle  University. 

Hamilton  Robinson.  . .  : . Biddle  University. 

Samuel  Franklin  Strong . Biddle  University. 

Morton  Stevenson . Columbia,  S.  C. 

William  Walker  Smith . Rock  Hill,  S.  C. 

Halley  Blanton  Taylor . Biddle  University. 

John  Lee  White . Biddle  University. 

Henry  Luke  Williams . (Deceased  ’03.) 

Julius  Saxon  Young . Biddle  University, 

Joseph  Neely  Barber . Charlotte,  N.  C. 

class  OP  ’03. 

Aton  A.  Adier.  . . 
Vanderbilt  Brown 
Charles  K.  Burns. 
William  L.  Brean 

Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 
Biddle  Universitv. 

Biddle  University. 


Clarence  T.  Dillard . 

Willie  G.  Capel . 

Lylburn  L.  Downing. . . . 

Adolphus  Foster . 

Noah  S.  Fleming . 

Joseph  T.  Gladden . 

James  J.  Graham . 

William  H.  Hemphill.., 

Griffin  Jones . 

Alfred  Kyles . 

Connie  Lyttle . 

Mack  J.  Lyttle . 

Robert  H.  Logan . 

Manson  A.  Melton . 

Sampson  M.  Mitchell... 

Prince  S.  Neisler . 

Geo.  Pharr . 

Geo.  T.  Sellers . 

John  D.  Stanback . 

Lawrence  L.  Shepperson 
Total  376. 

.  Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University 
.Biddle  University. 
.Biddle  University. 
.Biddle  University, 
.Biddle  University. 
.  Biddle  University, 
Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 
.Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 
.Biddle  University. 
.  Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 
.  Biddle  University, 
.Biddle  University. 
.  Biddle  University. 
.Biddle  University. 
Biddle  University. 


Biddee  University. 


School  of  Theology . . .  107 

School  of  Arts  and  Sciences .  213 

/Normal  and  Preparatory  School .  376 

Total  Number  of  Graduates .  696 


General  Matters. 

Board  of  Trustees  .  2 

The  Faculty . 3-4 

Summary  of  Students  .  43 

Cadet  Battalion  . 44-45 

Home  Department . 46 

Business  Department.  . .  .  •  • .  46 

General  Information . .47-53 

Rules  and  Regulations  . 54-56 

Time  Table. . . .  •  • .  56 

Calendar  . 57-58 

Affiliated  Schools  . 59-63 

General  Catalogue  of  Graduates . 64-89 

School  of  Theology. 

Faculty  .  5 

Classes  . 5-6 

Course  of  Instruction  .  6-7 

Schedule,  Recitation  and  Lectures .  8 

Syllabi  . 8-n 

Information  . 12-13 

School  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 


Faculty  .  14 

Courses  and  Degrees,  and  Terms  of  Admission .  15 

Classical  Course . 16-17 

Scientific  Course . 18-19 

Schedule,  Recitations  and  Lectures . 20 

Syllabi  . 21-24 

Classes  . 24-27 

Information  .  28 

Biddle  University. 

The  Preparatory  and  Normal  School. 

Faculty  . 29 

Terms  of  Admission . 29 

Course  of  Study . •  • .  30 

Schedule  of  Recitations  . 32-35 

Summer  School. 

Faculty  .  36 

Design  of  the  School  .  36 

Terms  of  Admission  . •  • .  36 

Schedule  of  Lectures  . , .  3 7 

Roll  of  Attendance . 37- 40 

The  School  of  Industries. 

Superintendent,  Foreman,  Trades,  etc 








